RIAA At it Again...


oh this would be good. And realisticly will never happen, say good bye to half the world economy.

:lol: Fucking RIAA. They’re inches away from making it illegal to posess copyrighted material. I’d be scared to buy a CD at this point.

I am surprised that this isn’t a Hollywood colaboration since just as much movie-related copywrited material is pirated. Either that or Hollywood realizes how much money they have and don’t care that much… :gotme:

Eh, the MPAA is usually right there with them. My old roommate had to meet with Harvey Axelrod at UB and write a letter stating that he formatted his computer when he got caught sharing a bootleg of a newly released movie on DC++ with an off-campus hub.

I’d guess that the difference is just that there are a lot more 3mb music files traded than 650+mb video files.

Im going to guess that the rest of the world economy that works online >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>then the music industry. So they will just throw their weight around with this. Hell do you think the communication industry would stand for this with all the money they are spending to expand highspeed internet access?

yea, they are gonna shut down the internet just because of the music industry

god i hate the RIAA

I don’t think I’ll trust any info given on a site called “The Inquirer”. More absurd than thinking the draft will be re-instated soon.

You do realize there is a difference between the National Enquirer and the Inquirer, right?


Either way, it’s hilarious.

Crazy. The MPAA does similar stuff, but they take a warn first sue later approach instead of sue, sue, sue.

ex. They call your ISP so they suspend your account so they can:

A. Send a letter
B. Have you call in so that it is explained to them.

RIAA keeps pissing off people and will get keep getting pwned



MPAA is jumping on the “this is completely insane” bandwagon with RIAA

people will vote with their wallets. why buy something when you can pirate it easier/cheaper. look at AllofMP3.com for example.

the only reason I keep buying CDs is quality, but I turn around and sell them a few days after ripping 'em anyway…

“Just because you buy a DVD to watch at home doesn’t give you the right to invite friends over to watch it too. That’s a violation of copyright and denies us the revenue that would be generated from DVD sales to your friends,”

Well, In one aspect I can see where they are coming from, but they really need to get their heads out of their asses.