UH OH!!!...everybody better watch out..LOL


City man accused of illegal download
News Staff Reporter

The organization that represents major U.S. film studios has sued a Buffalo man and four other New Yorkers for illegally downloading movies from the Internet.

The Motion Picture Association of America filed the suits as part of a broad campaign to crack down on the increasingly popular practice of downloading and sharing copies of films online.

“We think it’s important that we as an industry send the message that illegally downloading copyrighted materials has consequences,” said Gayle Osterberg, an association spokeswoman in Washington, D.C.

A suit filed Nov. 10 in federal court in Buffalo accuses Angelo R. Baldi, a Linwood Avenue resident, of violating copyright law by downloading “The Grudge.” The association filed suit on behalf of Columbia Pictures, which produced the horror film. Baldi declined to comment, referring questions to a lawyer who could not be reached Monday afternoon. The association also sued a Rochester resident and three New York City residents.

The suits accuse the defendants of using a peer-to-peer, file-sharing system to download the copyrighted movies. Everyone using such a program has access to everyone else’s files.

The association cannot put a precise value on the amount of money film studios lose due to movie downloading but estimates it is close to the $3 billion lost because of movie piracy.

The movie industry works through Internet service providers to identify downloaders and persuade them to delete any movie files and stop further downloading.

The University at Buffalo has received cease-and-desist letters from the association on behalf of students and staff caught downloading files, said Harvey S. Axlerod, UB’s computer discipline officer.

Those students are required to take an online course that emphasizes respecting copyrights and includes a test on the material.

dumb opinion

lol, yea RIAA, go after an accredited college, see how that goes over for You.

they’ve been doing for 4 years now, they shut down i2hub (a major college dc++ hub), they don’t care, I haven’t bought a RIAA-label record because of it, fuck them and their profits

i2 is still running…

better hide my CD book…lol

about 7.50 in this case… the cost of the movie ticket.


as before, dl it, update it, use it – PeerGuardian 2: http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/ :smiley:

Zerodaze - better check the spelling of “starring” in your sig

thats what i get for doing it before my first cup of coffee

no it isn’t, the chat client may be there (it was shortly after shutdown), but for all intents and purposes, it is shut down

Umm, Im 99% sure that I can still connect to the i2 hub through DC++… its just not adviseable, as its obviously being watched.

irc > *


ahhaha your all going to jail, why dont you help support your local bootlegger instead of dl these movies you damn crooks.

linwood is 2 streets down from me, which means they could be watching my connection as well as this idiots… good thing i VPN into UB and use the restnet direct connect network whenever i DO dl something, and its usually software

what a bunch of assholes. Kind of like Metallica (fuck them too) and the whole Napster thing. Stupid fucks. Mp3 and related piracy REVOLUTIONIZED the music and electronics industries. It is doing the same for movies… DIVIX for example. I think some stupid fucks sued the kid that invented that as well.


i havent gone to any less movies and i havent baught any less cd’s since all this downloading madness insued…so record and movie companies better just suck it up and take thier loss…rich greedy fucks!

werd… except the CD thing… I already own the music I like… not much has come out recently though that I’d be willing to buy

oh… and if a CD or Movie said anything about the MPAA or RIAA I’d wipe my ass with it and throw it back on the shelf. Not because I think that they arent entitled to profits on the stuff they produce, but because they go after the wrong people to try and proove a point.