UH OH!!!...everybody better watch out..LOL

can someone please give the uber nerd a tutorial on how to use irc to d/l

werd… same here. I used it once but it was slow as balls. I dont think I configured it right

usually you use xdcc or something of that nature.

i would get into irc and goto some of the help channels in there as it gets confusing at times, with all the shit that scrolls on the screen.

effnet and undernet are good for Dling things.

If your lucky you can find a FTP site which eliminates the use of shitty xdcc

Downloading movies is gay,especially when you’ve got places that offer unlimited movie rentals.DVD burners are only -$40 now.:slight_smile:


Yeah I stick to my torrents

I really never had any good luck running any type of irc, always slow as balls.

Downloading movies that you’re not sure if you even want to see them > the hassle of dealing with someone else’ property

Ninja Matt estimates that the movie industry loses nearly 20 billion dollars a year because of lost revenues due to no one wanting to pay 7.50$ to see their shit fucking movie that some no talent ass clown stole the idea from a movie 50 years ago…

Well… there you have it… Its a reputable source.

Make a good movie… And Ill pay to see it… make a good album… and Ill pay to listen to it…

Make shit and I steal it… or, I don’t watch it at all, I really don’t give a flying fuck either way if it sucks… they should be happy people watch their crap at all.

you guys are dumb.

i dwnld shit prolly less than most of you, but i still do it. Do I like stealing? No. Is it cheaper than buying the stuff? Yes.

But what you are doing is wrong, and it is stealing. You can’t say so and so is dumb for trying to protect shit that cost them money to make…

thats like spending 10k on making an album… you sell 1 copy for 15 bux. That person rips it to the net for everyone to share… now you dont sell shit cause they can get it for free. Wouldn’t you feel like a dumbass?

I still buy Cds… but I try b4 I buy…
its kinda like someone stealing your car… whats the big deal? you made the payments on it, and now I get to drive it for free…


I’m going to dwnld some porn now.

i am so sick of all these artists bitching about how downloading music is killing their sales…oh but wait, after the interview is over 50 cent gets in his one of many fararris and drives off. the music companys and movie companys make enought money, but they have to bitch now because there affraid their profit is gunna shrink so they cannot go out and buy more 500,000 dollar watches and such.

just my $.02

no it’s not. linwood runs between north and delavan, parallel to main between main and delaware.

i dont really feel any sympath for not fattening records labels wallets EVEN MORE than they already grotesquely are.

artists get paid regardless, and they also get screwed over by record companies

so I don’t mind seeing the record companies getting the shaft

I researched your quote and found it was indeed very reputable. They imagine they loose all this money but in truth they would never see the money anyway because people don’t like to waste money on crap…

oh and IRC was the shit before Dalnet stopped allowing advertising. FTP>* a direct connection to a specific IP address with gigz and gigz of warez/appz/mp3z/gamez/pron mmmmmmmm I miss my happy days… and I could talk an FTP owner into a direct trade for some stuff and get unlimited bandwidth access… oh yes.




Who the fuck buys a 50Cent album? They are to blame… and so are the people going to his concerts, playing his video games, and buying his clothes…

What your actually saying is that musicians are over paid… well this is true… but it is US that are paying that $$$. Just cause McDonalds makes a billion a yr in profits doesn’t mean you get to steal burgers and shit.

:ohnoes: looks like they let go of his leash…

Yeah but stealing music is too easy not to. If you could click one button to steal burgers, and have nobody know, you would…

actually… mcD’s looses alot of money on stolen food. go ask an assosiate

^^^used to work there… so he knows… he speaks the truth… hence he no longer works there :lol:

just messin

i never worked at mcd’s, my gf does tho… i get free food all the time. its nice goin there at 3am wasted and getting a shit load of food for free