You have the logic of a retarded, one eyed chimp with a peg leg.
He isint bitching you ignorant simpleton, he is simply replying to the personal attacks the wonderful people here are so good at.
The funny thing is you dont have a fucking VIPER and he DOES so and way you slice it you fucking
I don’t want an overweight understear machine, I am actually looking at purchasing my 4th car right now, hrmm none of them seem to be a geo though
I think your new screen name should be JEG, Jesus you are completely incomprehensible.
Ironically I do not fail, I, instead of sitting there bitching about how much a city sucks, have the balls to MOVE from a place I do not like to a place I do. I live in a REAL city (read over 1.2 million in the city limits) in a high rise loft in a night life district… still not seeing where I fail.
Come back and talk to me when you get the balls to move from a place you do nothing but bitch about…