Is Marcus an attention whore?


you won’t catch me flossin stunna shades in the club, but honestly, none of you can really hate. it’s not like he was in buffalo for those pics at some dive bar. anything on chippewa isn’t a tenth of a real club when you leave buffalo. if there’s one thing i try to do with my sets, is let people that don’t realize, realize there’s a much bigger world out there musically…it’s the same way for parties…there’s a much bigger world out there. and in that case, time to head down to the local gutter club and collect my check playing the only reggae people know in this city :stuck_out_tongue:


+1 buffalo “clubs” are a joke along with the gay-ass tuff guys that think they run the joint when they are in there.

Ps: love ya xander


D:Marcus shut up and actually learn to deal… jesus you do nothing but bitch, and funny thing is you can’t afford to leave buffalo, you may drive a viper, but your DD is a 12 year old geo… you are buffalo



LOL, your an ass clown. I can afford to leave Buffalo but my personal choice I choose not to. So what I have a 12 year old DD. 38mpg and she runs like a bute. Wait…should I buy a new car to impress you? Suck a dick dude.


Anyone who drives a car is an attention whore. WWJD




The last question should say “Who’s Marcus?”, because I either don’t acknowledge his posts, or they’re not good enough.

Wait, is he the guy who takes pictures?


that’s micah, you big stupid.

lol at this thread hahaha.
for all the shit i give marcus…i have met him and have no problem with him and can even go as far as saying i enjoyed sitting with him at starbucks last year with 90na300z talking…hes just SOO easy to get riled up on nyspeed, how could one resist?

this threads still going? eww.


LOL, you’re an ass clown. I can afford to leave Buffalo but my personal choice I choose not to. So what I have a 12 year old DD. 38mpg and she runs like a bute. Wait…should I buy a new car to impress you? Suck a dick dude.


fixed :slight_smile:

[quote=“K Cuv,post:85,topic:31315"”]

lol at this thread hahaha.
for all the shit i give marcus…i have met him and have no problem with him and can even go as far as saying i enjoyed sitting with him at starbucks last year with 90na300z talking…hes just SOO easy to get riled up on nyspeed, how could one resist?



im sure i give him shit sometimes too, but he does the same to me… but i know marcus too and have known him for a while and he is a good guy. Shit just always gets so sour on this damn board.


You have the logic of a retarded, one eyed chimp with a peg leg.
He isint bitching you ignorant simpleton, he is simply replying to the personal attacks the wonderful people here are so good at.

The funny thing is you dont have a fucking VIPER and he DOES so and way you slice it you fucking


I don’t want an overweight understear machine, I am actually looking at purchasing my 4th car right now, hrmm none of them seem to be a geo though

I think your new screen name should be JEG, Jesus you are completely incomprehensible.

Ironically I do not fail, I, instead of sitting there bitching about how much a city sucks, have the balls to MOVE from a place I do not like to a place I do. I live in a REAL city (read over 1.2 million in the city limits) in a high rise loft in a night life district… still not seeing where I fail.

Come back and talk to me when you get the balls to move from a place you do nothing but bitch about…


I am actually looking at purchasing my 4th car right now, hrmm none of them seem to be a geo though


So once again my question to you…since you must be very stupid and have the IQ of a chimp with ADHD. I should purchase a new vehicle to impress you? Gee, let me buy 4 cars so I can brag some more…By the way, what type of cars are they?

As far as the city is concerned, there are things I like…there are things I dislike. This is true of everywhere you go.

if i owned a viper, i’d stunt it real hard and pull a lot of tail with it. i wouldn’t take it to a downtown “club” though. i just don’t get why you’d do that.


if i owned a viper, i’d stunt it real hard and pull a lot of tail with it. i wouldn’t take it to a downtown “club” though. i just don’t get why you’d do that.


maybe people would like yo broke ass if you had a viper!!..wear a viper polo and hat like most shirtwearing viper owners just to let the people that throw shit at your car outside know that its yours…this way they can say something to you for being a d-bag and save them the problem of wondering who they’re jealous of so they dont ahve to vandalize your car…they can just vandalize you :lol:

edit: that is…if you werent poor and YOU had a viper

[quote=“K Cuv,post:92,topic:31315"”]

like most shirtwearing viper owners just to let the people that throw shit at your car outside know that its yours…this way they can say something to you for being a d-bag


Oh come on now. You know this is not entirely true. Viper club owner have Viper t-shirts, so what? When I had my gixer, I had a few Suzuki bike t-shirts. Is that wrong? I dont see a problem with promoting your sport, club or hobby for that matter. Jealousy can be evil. Whatever happened to giving props to a nice car? have ANY of you bitching here ever had a conversation with any of the guys that you are calling dousche bags? I have met some very cool people with expensive cars. Stereotyping is all you guys have going here about people with expensive cars.

eh. i was never a fan of the clothing to match the car look…

while it’s a lifestyle to a certain degree, it seems like when you wear a viper/lotus/ferrari shirt, away from your car, it’s like you are trying too hard garner attention from your car. You can let the car do some talking for you when you’re in it/near it… but after that, it’s a bit much…


while it’s a lifestyle to a certain degree, it seems like when you wear a viper/lotus/ferrari shirt, away from your car, it’s like you are trying too hard garner attention from your car. You can let the car do some talking for you when you’re in it/near it… but after that, it’s a bit much…


its agreeaqble for club outings & events… but if you get outta the prizm with your viper gear… :hang:

how about a viper watch? i think i had one when i was in the 3rd grade…but i didnt have a viper so it doesnt count.


its agreeaqble for club outings & events… but if you get outta the prizm with your viper gear… :hang:


yeah, i mean wearing it downtown and stuff… even if you drove the viper, it still is a bit much.

I have never seen Dr. Jerry without some sort of viper gear on. He might be a very nice guy, I’ve honestly never spoken to him, but my only impression of him is that he’s a total dweeb.


how about a viper watch?


Then by the standards of some here, you are an attention whore. Sad but thats the mentality of some people here. :hang:


I’ve honestly never spoken to him, but my only impression of him is that he’s a total dweeb.


Depends on your definition of dweeb. He is a doctor / surgeon with his own practice and allot going for him. Can dweeb refer to…his clothing style? Hmmmmmm go take a look at some of your parents and how they look - dress - and how they would be criticized by members here.


Then by the standards of some here, you are an attention whore. Sad but thats the mentality of some people here. :hang:


lol… you completely missed that point.


how about a viper watch? i think i had one when i was in the 3rd grade…but i didnt have a viper so it doesnt count.
