Is Marcus an attention whore?

Is Marcus an attention whore?


your mom is dousche bag

lol :lol:


i believe that post by marcus was off topic for this thread and should result in a refraction, infraction, infection, or whatever the hell those things are.

voted who cares. lol

can you add douche-canoe to the poll also?

so make a thread about it.

who cares

That’s what I voted. Whatever.

That’s what the poll is really about. :wink:


No one likes you, I dont like you. You don’t matter to anyone and neither does your silly poll.

%75 of the members on this board are, and now I feel like one for posting a reply…hrmmm I am so confused!

uh, no. Xander > the majority of this community.

i like marcus.

and xander.

i love everyone.

can we hug?

I like you Xander!

But I still could give a fuck about the honeywagon getting a drink spilled on it.

Thanks guys, I felt the E-hug, that’s all I needed.


Why don’t you like Xander?

I havent met Marcus, but I’d want everyone to vote yes if this was about me. Just because of the attention… err… :lol:

Oh yeah, and Xander is pretty sweet, especially if you like cheap mods for your car (w000 SEVEN DOLLA!)

Wrong - I think he’s pretty cool.

Why does your dog look so sad?