are u kidding me?

id murder the judge!

You’re fucking kidding me…

:picard: wtf

I love how the kid is laughing in the picture.

Oh, and this is some bunk shit.

haaaaaa…the kid had the biggest grin on his face…WTF happened to good ol childhood innoncence and ass slapping

District Attorney Bradley Berry has since dismissed the felony counts. The boys face 10 misdemeanor charges of harassment and sexual abuse. They face a maximum of up to one year in a juvenile jail on each count, though Berry said there was no way the boys would ever serve that much time.

“An appropriate sentence would be probation,” he said. “These are minor misdemeanor charges that reflect repeated contact against multiple victims. We never intended for them to get a long time in detention.”

“We’re not seeking major penalties,” he said. “We’re seeking change in conduct.”

for the record-
they will never see jail nor will they need to register as sex offenders.

Iron your shirt shithead


That judge had better not take away the only time in your life you’re allowed to slap a 13 year old girls ass!

This is what happens when adults meddle in the lives of children. Just leave the kids alone, goddamnit! What a waste of time, money and attention.

That was my first thought.


gota keep your pimp hand strong

Smack the kid in the ass with a hot iron. and theres your punishment

I came to post this too. lol

That’s offensive, I’m taking you to court!!! :tantrum:


The kid is laughing, Mom is balling. And Dad is grinning proud as could be about his son…

cant read the whole story cause its blocked, but i read what was quoted…

wtf?? how could someone really prosecute a kid for something like that, knowing full well that they did the same shit when they were kids… the world saddens me

Well i guess if medicating all the kids in the country isnt turning them into brainless zombies then sending them to jail is the next best thing :bloated:

So are they going to bring similar charges against every coach at every level for slapping a player on the ass?

dont be surprised to see it happen… someone will see it, get pissed off, offended, and create some shit bout it.