Holy shit, Judge/dad beats the shit out of his kid

This is just fucked… This guy should die… Hes a fucking judge too.

He did this becuase his daughter illegally downloaded music on the internet



We dow heer in the cunntry take them downloads and computers serious. The devils work.

Honestly got furious watching that

me too bro, Id flip if I saw someone doing that shit.

And the wife had no problem with it. Both fuckin scums

southern accent… shocking. Scumbag mom and dad should be beaten themselves

little out of hand i suppose…but this was the norm years ago when kids werent disrespectful smartasses.

It was 2005

disrespectful smartass for… downloading music?:dunno

Theres no reason to beat your child to that extent. Especially seeing as she has a slight mental disability.

She was on the Today show today.


There’s some evil people out there… Guy deserves to be stoned

yea i got very very pissed when i saw this, what a waste of flesh…worst part is hes prob not even guna face a penalty cause its over 5 yrs ago…bs

fixed for more severe punishment

you guys have never gotten a good ole ass whoopin with a belt when you were younger? big deal he hit her with a belt, grow a set

I couldn’t agree more. The leather belt or kitchen utensil is what separates normal contributing members of society…and scum punk ass bitches on unemployment for 1yr 11 months and 29 days before finding another job.

Get beat!

statutes of limitations is 7 years

I’ve had more belt whoopins, wooden spoons broken over me, and shoes thrown at me growing up than anyone…

I turned out pretty good, if you ask me. I agree with you that ass whoopins growing up are a must…

But a guy hitting his daughter is just plain wrong…

yeah, shouldve had his wife do it instead