Parental spanking may be outlawed

What the fuck is this country coming to? Now the government is going to try to tell you how to properly raise your children? Most kids are already running wild and have no manners and no respect for anyone out there. I guess the next law will be how to properly bang your wife/girlfriend…cant wait for that one.

Parental spanking may be outlawed

I don’t hit my children and they are just fine, respectful, polite and courteous

I don’t view spanking as hitting.

I’ll spank my kids… I’ll never hit them though ( the wife on the other hand… )

Anyways I agree with the OP… these regulations are getting a little ridiculous.

next, there going to come out with a law for every kid under the age of 3 must have a leash on them.

As long as I don’t get in trouble for smacking my wife on the ass. :hitit:

Spanking with a belt, a little overdone. Smacking them on the ass to reinforce who is boss without hurting them is fine.

Hell, easy solution. Buy them an XBox and let them sit on their ass all day.


I don’t view spanking as hitting.

I’ll spank my kids… I’ll never hit them though ( the wife on the other hand… )

Anyways I agree with the OP… these regulations are getting a little ridiculous.



fuck that shit, you as a parent should be able to do whatever you want to your kid, if hes a scumbag, smack him, mabye it will keep all the low lifes from robbing old women, stealing from stores, shooting each other.

kids need to be beat like women


and they should be muzzled while out in public (in restaurants and what not)

yes a agree, if u cant keep your kid quiet, leave the little unruley fuck at home. I Dont want to hear a whiney little shit crying while im trying to do something.





I don’t think spanking a kid ( with a hand ) is out of line. Spanking them with a ping pong paddle… I don’t like it… spanking them with a tire iron is out of line.

Hitting your kids? That’s just you manifesting your personal problems in a physical way. Spanking them isn’t about aggression, but perhaps discipline.


yes a agree, if u cant keep your kid quiet, leave the little unruley fuck at home. I Dont want to hear a whiney little shit crying while im trying to do something.


people that bring loud children to restaurants should have to pay half of everyones bill that can hear their child.

or maybe they should just leave them home… in the tub… unattended


yes a agree, if u cant keep your kid quiet, leave the little unruley fuck at home. I Dont want to hear a whiney little shit crying while im trying to do something.


i was at the outlet mall in niagara falls. and this kids was screaming bloody murder because the mother picked the kid up. that kid was hitting some high pitched notes and man i was pissed already as it was.

why in the hell do you have to take your kid shopping. probably the worst thing to do. your the one thats going to style your kid when they are still crying and wining like a baby. if you take them shopping there going to play with every damn thing there or say how much they want ever damn thing. i hate people that cant keep there kids quite. really sucks talking on the phone all day and hearing little kids in the background crying:violin2::shoot::banghead::whip:

fuck they used to hit us in HS for christ sakes, they should still be able to do that imo

Great, can’t wait for more spoiled and out of control assholes to be roaming the country.

I’m moving to Europe…


fuck they used to hit us in HS for christ sakes, they should still be able to do that imo


insert age joke here


u mean insert catholic school joke here :slight_smile:

insert racial slander here :whip:

They cant see inside your house to tell you how to parent your children.

this is rediuclus, I am going to australia

FUck that shit
Beat your kids.

i give good spankings…

just ask geoff.

i have no problem with spanking your kid. it kept me in line.

o and i think all these regulations and changing of childrens stories, songs, books and cartoon etc just to be politcally correct or not offend someone is a bunch bull shit also.