Kids on leashes!

kids on leashes.:spades:

DISCLAIMER:This blog is for entertainment ONLY
so don’t get all pissy if you keep your kids on a leash.

Oh shit yes - I’m going there.
Okay… now here’s my thing - I go into walmart yesterday and theres this kid running all over the God-forsaken place, screaming and grabbing things off the shelf, throwing them on the ground and crying. Everyone is staring of course, first thought that pops into my head is where the hell is his mom? then I see her. She runs after him - yelling as loud as he is and reaches into her purse… and pulls out a leash. A leash people.
She throws him down on the ground and is trying to restrain him, snapping the lil’ contraption on to this scary ass child. Now I can’t help but stare, but I’m right along with the other 100 or so by-standers pretending we’re reading labels.
Okay now this was a demon child. But if your kid acts like that. Leave their asses in the car. Crack the windows - they’ll be fine. But noooooo… Y’all bring them into a store so they can embarass you. And me, personally, when I see something like that - I get embarassed for the person. It was insane. Now my little experience yesterday brought me to this blog. =)

Parents who leash their kids…
Now I’m not a parent - so maybe I’ve got it all fucked up. But this just seems a little odd to me. Dogs are for leashes… and that creepy guy on 300. RAWR!!!

okay okay - bears and tiger too… but kids?

It really makes more sense to hold their hand… or maybe just keep an eye on your damn kids. Leashing them I think will have severe pyschological effects on the kids lifestyle when they grow up. For instance - maybe S&M (bondage) will be a real turn on and they might never develope a healthy sexual relationship. Or they might just hate you for the rest of their lives after they see pictures of themselves 10 years later tied up like an animal. I’m not sure. My parents never put one of those things on me. Thank God, I’m not the brightest and they weren’t the greatest. Who knows - I might have strangled myself at the zoo…

Now as we all know - I am a total asshole. & to be honest. Sometimes it makes me happy to see kids leashed up & maybe in my head I wish some of them were. So they can’t run out in front of me while I’m driving or walk into me at the store while blowing their nose on my jeans. Still… Leashes? They are appropriate on animals and sex games, but not for children. That’s my own opinion.

     I found this on yahoo:

A growing number of parents are discovering the advantages to “leashing their children.” They find the leashes to not only be an aid in controlling their children, but also a wonderful security feature! With the rise of child abductions and sexual assaults, a potential kidnapper will find the leash an obstacle not worth the effort or risk.

OKAY! I’m calling the bullshit flag on this one!!! If you have ever seen a child on one of these damn things - when the parent is moving or the kid gets too hyper - one swift jerk/snap will fix everything. WHATCHAAAH! That just says child abuse to me. Domination as in master/servant… Human/dog.

I also believe that kids that are keep tethered up as you see, will probably have some type of social damages. After discussing my bloggage plans with a friend they told me they saw some kid leaving the zoo last year. He was about 7 or 8 and other kids were laughing at him and telling him “HEY YOUR PARENTS THINK YOU’RE A DOG! YOU’VE GOT A LEASH!” Poor kid - it’s not is fault. All bad parenting right there buddy. lol. If your kids don’t listen when you tell them to come here… Just beat their ass. Whatever happened to good ol’ fashion parental asswhoopings? They always made me listen… For the time being that is. But I would have taken an asswhooping over a leash anyday. Better yet - carry a pocket sizes/purse sized tazer. When your kid runs off just zap their ass. It will stop them dead cold in their tracks. And they prolly won’t wanna run off.

If you’re gonna put your kids on a leash you might as well buy them a cage and carry it around with you. Because those leashes can get in the way! Maybe not for you - but for everyone around you, trying to walk and not play limbo between you and your 3 foot counterpart. Maybe if you stop feeding your kids gummy worms and a gallon of soda in the mornings they wont act like little disobedient hyper pyschopaths when you take them into public.


And there was your big mistake…:slap: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously, those things are for lazy parents. Too lazy to be bothered actually parenting their offspring.
And you will find most of them at Wal-Mart…

How about parent/kid. Kids are supposed to be subservient to their parents, but kids don’t listen. I say leash up all of’em. There’s should be a kid leash law. Especially in that store.


did you ever see the carlos mencia skit on that? way funnier

Parents now days dont have enough balls to strike fear in their kids… fucking pussies, i got my assbeat when i was a kid if I did shit wrong. And I was scared shitless when i knew i did something wrong.


Needless to say…I still got into trouble knowing the consequences too. haha.

My mom tried a leash on me when I was little (that was around 1981. So those things aren’t new) because my sister was just a baby, and I was demon. Only had it on me once, and I crawled on the floor in the mall barking like a dog. That was the only time it was put on me. After that was just more ass beatings.

Hell I feel bad for my kid. He gets his ass beat daily. Mostly cause I know him, even if I didn’t catch him I know he did somethinn wrong. LOL


And your kid will grow up to be a respectable person, not a fucktard like most kids now days with pussy parents

:bowrofl: No offense to you, but that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard on here in a looooooooooooong time.

I hope your right.

Dont get me wrong, I’m far from an abusive parent, but I know when he fucks up. And he and I both know that I’m harder on him than any of his buddies parents are on them. But he does the right thing. And he seems to have a good understanding of right and wrong. And we get lots of comments on how much respect he has for others, and how polite he is.

I’m done bragging about my kid now, carry on…:rofl:

No offense taken. I thought it was funny when I was told about it. I guess I was always a smartass.

The way I was raised…I was bad, I was punished, I still did it. But I have always had huge amounts of respect for my parents. And never talked back to my mom.

People are too eager to point fingers at others when their kid is screwed up.

Saw a few kids on leashes at Wexfords car cruise last night

now if they could just muzzle them…

my kids know to keep their hands behind their back at a car show, and they get beat if they touch someone else’s car.

If you kid needs a leash, you are a shitty parent. Even if you have a “bad” kid you should be able to figure out ways to control him. My 2 older kids were complete opposite, the older one would stop and listen after getting smacked but the younger one didn’t respond to smacking so timeouts and taking toys away is what makes him listen. As a parent, it’s your job to figure out your kids and mold them to how you want. IMO

Were you one of them???

He had the leash on his boyfriend Misfit. hence the name misfit