I hate kids...

so i was turning onto the street last night where we bought out house and i had to stop right as i got onto the road because a truck was there and i couldnt get around him due to a kid turning off the street that i turned onto. So i sat and waited for him to turn, all the sudden i hear him scraping along the side of my car. im like, what the fuck, so instead of the kid stopping as soon as he felt the scrape, he kept going… moron. then he TAKES OFF. so i backed out of the street and chased his ass almost a mile until he finally stopped. 17 year old kid, on a cinderella liscense.

now i need a new bumper cover and he scraped so much he needs 2 doors basically

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/DSC00235 (Medium).JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/DSC00235 (Medium).JPG)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/DSC00237 (Medium).JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/DSC00237 (Medium).JPG)

please tell me you wooped his ass…I would have been gorilla on his ass

i was going to, but i figured that wasn’t going to get my car fixed, so i held off.

congrats…on that…it had to be sooo hard. I mean I can understand a stupid mistake/accident…but to have the balls to run…that would have just made me see red

not even the running thing. i wish the fucker woulda stopper or at least turned away after he felt it scrape one, rather than drag his entire car down the side of mine…

im soooo fucking pissed right now

He actually stopped when you were following him?

hahahaha welcome to the neighborhood lol. that sucks… too bad he wasn’t 18, u coulda def beat some face then… i think its time to trade that car in… 2 wrecks in 1 yr is generally a bad thing.

yeah. he really had nowhere to go… i think he ended up driving himself into a dead end street anyway.

plus, there is no way he woulda lost me… a 90 acura legend is no match for the all mighty macho GTP :kekegay:

to me,u’re all kids,so now u know how i feel!:smiley:

kid was like my parents just called they want me home. i said no you’re staying till the cop comes…

maybe it was just torque steer??? the car did have a big magnaflow performance sticker on the side :smiley:


sux dude. sorry to hear. atleast you caught the kid tho

Gotta hate them triflin teenagers

What did the cops say? Hit and run is pretty serious.

well i kinda cut a deal with the kid. i told the kid if he cooperates and takes the blame rather than trying to be a dick about it and somehow put it on me, id let that slide…

how owuld he even be able to put it on you?..I think he got the better of the deal…from the info I know at least

i really dont know. i just wanted it to be over with… i wanted to get home, i was tired and it was late.

he admitted it was purely his fault to the cop so thats fine with me. i could really care less about the running this cause i caught him and my car is getting fixed

So the police actually came out to file a report? It seems like lately it’s next to impossible to get the cops out to an accident where both cars are driveable and nobody is hurt.

yeah they came… took a while but they showed.

that sux