anyone from monroeville area here about the 16yr old gateway cheerleader that was stabbed by her 18yr old bf?

thought that was fucked up…

i just caught word that a 17yr old kid from up the street stabbed and killed his lil 11 yr old twin brothers…well one died the other is in critical condition. theres a search going on now to find the brother…

WTF is going on with these kids!!!

it pisses me off to no extent!:frowning:

wow thats terrible.wat is going on with people these days…thoughts and prayers go out to there family

MOST DEFINITLY. We think the boy is 17…my prayers are that hes 18 so he gets tried as an adult. we will see how he likes the big house!

Were any of the kids on medication? (anti-depressants, ADD meds, etc)

Where is the public outcry to ban knives?

I guess they never got a good spanking when they were growing up.

Such a shame.

thats horrible

i never was touched by my parents growing up. i turned out pretty damn well. and the 17yo will be more then likely tried as an adult. people are fucked up. one girl i had in student teaching just got shot. i remember her in 8th grade now in a drug deal gone bad.

ps how the whole AAA thing go for your sis?

let the parents beat the shit out of kids when they are bad. this wont happen. discipline is learned, or beat into you.


the bad part about it…it seems to be only getting worse

i agree.

crazy. my mom coulnt get ahold of anyone til almost 3 today. that bastard driver didnt show up til 230 this morning. mom was on the phone at 1 and they couldnt locate the drver or the car. im so tired. ive had lke 2 hrs of sleep.


parents that treat their kid like they are never at fault, parents that think medicating their kids is the answer… “it ain’t my fault” society has taken over and these are the effects of it.

completely agree!

its the cheapest remedy. i pill a day keeps reality away.

I agree completely.

In addition, when kids go to school these days, they are told that their parents are not allowed to beat their asses and that the parents can be arrested for it. More government interference in our private lives. :madfawk:



I’m sick of little medicated sheep cracking and then lashing out violently.

You and I all know that big pharma knows about this, but “it’s a small percentage and statistically insigificant”.

Right, like people’s lives are insigificant…I guess big pharma doesn’t take the hippocratic oath. But the pill pushers that dispense scripts for them do…

spankings and beatings only work on some kids. My kids both react differently to spankings. One stops and the other is like, go ahead and hit me again. It’s the parents job to find a way to keep control of their kids and beatings are just one of the many tools available.

That must be the one that doesn’t like to have their toys taken away.