Holy shit, Judge/dad beats the shit out of his kid

give me that 7 mins and a belt with that guy please, ive been spanked before but thats to much…

beatin your kids is all good but this dude obv has a problem and he should get beat for being a bitch

way too much on a little girl, disgusting

Lol’d so hard at this I’m pretty sure… yup I shit my pants.

i’d hit it too… wait…


He practices what he preaches…dont break the law.
He treats men and women equal…What the problem is?


Where I’m from, it’s not called abuse unless there is bleeding or breaking of the bones :lol. Big deal, her body will have some bruises from the belt, etc.

I’ve gotten it plenty when I was younger. I too think I turned out a’okay due to that and I thank my parents for not being a bunch of pansies and letting me do whatever the hell I wanted.

Should he have done it for music? Probably not, but is the act in itself bad? No, I don’t think so. More kids should get the belt. It’s VERY necessary today. Todays kids are down right horrible.

:lol @ what the problem is. You sound like my immigrant father :lol.

But yeah…at least he was consistent in his ‘ruling’ lol.

you fuckers are harsh.

There was no reasoning for the punishment
The father showed absolutely no remorse or care in the world
The beating was extremely overkill and I wouldnt be surprised if that many shots left permanant marks

One good spank in the ass I can certainly understand, 7 minutes of torture on a mentally handicapped CHILD and for no reason?? Are you fucking kidding me?

Nah I think you’re missing what some of us are saying.

I don’t condone it for THIS instance, but in general, a belt whoopin (3 or 4 nice rips) is beneficial when a kid is being a moron.

In this instance a good slap or two might have done the trick. I agree it’s overkill in this situation. I was just saying that in general a belt whoopin is a good thing.

do people not understand there are better ways to punish a kid, hell when i did something wrong id pray my parents would spank me, cause then i go right back to video games:) but they caught on lol, started taking my games and electronics away, IMO a much better punishment would have been just take the computer away from her for a few months! lol only way a kid should be hit is if that is your only way of containing them or keeping them under control, complete overkill here and i just feel there are better ways… besides whats the big deal with illegaly downloading things? lol… but really i would kill for 10 mins and a belt with that guy

I don’t believe in abusing children for any reason. If your kid is a disrespectful asshole, it’s your fault.

you hit valid point that i forgot to mention +rep. If you raise your child right it wnt come to that, but really it dont seem what she did is wrong, but 2 sides to every story…

hell ya

has it not been mentioned that this guy is a judge who often sits on child abuse cases?

The beating in the video definitely is more harsh than I find acceptable, but him judging others on the issue is where it becomes completely repulsive.

^^^^ THIS! Also, he should be sentenced to anger management classes!!!

even then girl herself said she does not wish he gets arrested, she just wants him to get the help he needs.

LOL@anyone that thinks that physically abusing a child ‘helps’ with anything. It just masks your poor parenting skills.

And yeah, Ilya, you turned out great. Not having sex at all or whatever. Blow up at me, leave the forum for a week and come back or whatever it is that you do.

There was a reason. I just don’t think the reason (illegally downloading music and games) justified the punishment. I’m assuming the judge was scared that if the word got out that a judge’s daughter was doing illegal activities he’d be scrutinized. Little did he know, his daughter video taped it and now a whole 'nother level of scrutiny is upon him.

Better that than the retards from my highschool that decided spawning was a better plan for the future than going to college or learning a trade or generally not being a piece of shit. How is babby formd?

On topic, this video is fucked. It clearly looks like he is getting off on it, and its just cowardly. Real tough big man right there, beating the shit out of a 16 year old girl. The fact that there was a camera set up tells me this happens often. After reddit went nuts on this, they turned up information that thing judge had had complaints filed against his about the way he handles child abuse cases. I wonder why?

Physically abusing is different from a good ass whooping. You clearly didn’t read my post as I said (in a general sense) that a belt whooping is NEEDED these days. I DID say, however, that in THIS CASE, it was NOT.

As for your personal attack…laugh all you want.


Travis, how are those STD scares coming along? Any new ones? I believe it was you who made that thread, no?

Screwing everything that moves is neither healthy nor necessary. I will ‘get some’ soon enough (ETA of next summer or fall when I marry my soon to be fiance if you must know), so please…don’t worry about me. Worry about wrapping yours and keeping it ‘clean’. Would hate to see a thread on here about you contracting an STD thanks to your lifestyle of banging everything with a vagina.

Just sayin.