dr phil staff bails out jailed teen .... part 2 of the 8-on-1 myspace fist fight

really, you gotta be fucking kidding me ?

his staff is obviously related to him, cause this is fucking just as retarded as he is …


yea bitches are facin up to life now I hope they get something real nasty they deserve it

i’m finally gonna take a psychology class to see why psychologists are so judgmental and stuck-up…majority.

dr. phil…ppsssshhhhhhh. <-not a bov

fucking teen girls dont deserve anything close to life retards.
So they beat some girl up. They deserve some decent punishment but no serious jail time.
Life is for murderers and rapists… not stupid 15yr old kids/girls.

This country is full of conservative pussies.

tru, theres now ay they are gettin life lmfao. This kinda shit happens alot more than you think they were just stupid enough to film it.


we shall see what happens i think they deserve more then probation though, they fucked that girl up

if they broke ne bones or if she needs rehabilitation or surgery they will most likely get felony assault. Which will carry with it some prison time.

it is a negotiation, retard. i am sure i am insulting retards all over the world lumping you in with them.
you start with a worst case scenario, and then let them work you down. if they tried to charge them with the appropriately they would get off with a slap on the wrist.

I mean I hope they get some time, but life is overkill for sure lol.

Guaranteed almost everyone here has probably seen a worse beating in person after school by the flagpole than this though… hah

Yup, I would like to see them having 6 months/1 year in prison then 3 years probation or something along those lines.

That isn’t based on what they did, rather the fact that they did it so stupidly. If your going to give someone a beat down don’t tape it and put it online, your just asking for it. So give it to them.