10 years jail time for........


wouldnt the 15 year old be able to say i willingly consented, don’t make charges?

oh BTW. WHORES! ha

Unreal, there has to be a chance of an appeal for that.

oh jeez 2 years there both still kids, thats a little crazy punishment for something so stupid

Depends what state…i think NY is actually 17 or 18…Canada is like 14…so knows mentally they say they said yes but its the legal age…and parents that really file charges

Why hasn’t Beck moved to Canada?

its 17 in ny and doesnt matter what the minor says its not there choice

Consent doesn’t matter when it’s age differences being involved.

Edit_ Beat to it.

Thats a harsh sentence.

wow. that’s fucking nuts. 17FTW

That is really fucking harsh.

I saw something about this on HBO or something once, the DA in the case was a huge prick

My thoughts exactly.

Theres definitely room for appeal on this one. Thats an absurd sentence for something so trivial. The judge was probably furious that it took him until the age of 23 to get someone to give him head, and it cost him money. :frowning:

That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.
2 high school students…lets say Junior and freshman?
Now what if it was a 15 year old boy and a 17 year old girl? What then?

I think that judge should rethink his desisicion. I mean. This kids life is now RUINED.

holy shit

if i was 17, and got put in jail for getting my dick sucked by a 15 yr old … i think id have to shoot the DA in the head after i got out in 10 years …

id be LIVID after 10 years in prison… and shit, i scare people enough when im in a good mood, lol

this sentence is ridiculous. when i lost my virginity i was 16, and the girl was about 14 1/2. so, next year would be 17 and 15 1/2… so i guess i should have gone to jail for 10 years too.

completely absurd. fucking retarded criminal prosecution system. yet the DA will go and make deals for career criminals on a daily basis and let them off with nothing.

i had that issue in HS i was just turned 18 and my GF was 15 still… i was like ummmmmmmm what to do, what to do

wow 10 years is outrageous not to mention he has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. What a waste, I hope she at least swallowed.

seriously. ACTUAL rapists get off with 2-4 years. HOW?? it’s insane…

It’s easier to get away with murder down here than going for JB