10 years jail time for........

“4 years for WEED?” - Thurgood

Holy shit, check this out :


my sentiments exactly

this shit is FUCKED Up… that da must be geting some serious shit… how does he sleep at night

this isnt the first time i havent read any thing on this case but id be willing to bet this is in the south an the boy is black an the girl is white…im not tryin to make this a race thing so please read b4 commentin but 3 yrs ago a young black man by the name of marcus dixon who was 17 had sex with a white girl who was 15 jus like this an her parents who were racist found out an he was put on trial it was determined that it was consensual sex but he was found guilty of aggraveated sexual molestation(statutory rape) becuase technically he was by definition of the law what the jury didnt kno was that in georgia where this happened that came with a mandatory 10yr prison sentence…jus like in this case and mr dixon was a 4.0 student the number 2 rated fullback comin outta highschool an accepted a full scholarship to vanderbuilt jus to give u an example of how promising of a young man he was… i watched a story on real sports on this an like was stated the da was a racist and an asshole etc etc…but this isnt the first time the south has tried to make an example out of a young black man so what you guys are shocked and amazed by i am merely reminded of how far this country must go b4 everyone can truly be treated equal

i dont think it has anything to do with race, or making examples. at least in this case. i think the DA’s just a fucking asshat, and the legal system is el stupido.

rape - 2 years. attempted murder - 5 years. murder - 8 years. having sex - 10 years.

wasnt it just oral too?

About 14 1/2? Did you need to add the 1/2 to make yourself feel better? I mean come on. I remember when I was 5 1/2 or maybe 7 1/2
But NEVER 14 1/2

“sir can I see your ID?”
“sir your only 20”

“yes mam, But i am 20 and 3/4 cut me a break”

I was a kinda late bloomer. I was 17…the girl was 18… I did not give her permission though. Is that rape?

I bet the DA has a 15 year old daughter. and she is a major cum guzzler and he hates it. and hates 17 yr old males

I once peed in a 19 y/o girls mouth. What’s that get me?

newman you are a special kind of guy lol

Honestly, what did the girl do?

yes it was just oral… which make it really horrible. what are kids supposed to do?? lol

yes, i do like to include the 1/2 thank you very much. haha. and in NYS, that would not have been rape (the girl and u), but apparently in many other places it would be. would it be prosecuted as that? probably not… but what would happen if the 15 y/o, or whoever was the younger, insisted on testifying for the defense that they FORCED the sexual action to happen???

fuck i started banging my gf when she was 15, i was 17 YIKES

When I lost my virginity, I was 15 and my girlfriend was 17, so should she do the time?

My question to all… What if it was a 15 yr old boy and a17 yr old girl?

See my previous post.

Then i think the 17yr old girl is liable…but really what guy is gonna claim rape cause he banged an older girl…hell you would ger a HIGH FIVE from your Dad and Mom would be mad at the Dad for a day or two

as i stated b4 if u r familair with the marcus dixon case this is a matter of race in an area where mixing of races is unacceptable…on a side note marcus dixon was released after his case was taken to the supreme court but he spent 18 months in jail…so it has nothin to do with age trust me i am very familiar with the marcus dixon case its was treated as a method to make an example out of a young man and if you ask my opinion since it was unsucessful the first time they are doing it again if any one has a picture of the d.a in this i would be willing to bet it is the same d.a from teh marcus dixon case

No, that’s legal in NYS.

For rape in NYS with consent or not (AGES):

21 and less than 17 (Rape 3)
18 and less than 15 (Rape 2)
18 and less than 13 (Rape 1)

Section 130 if anyone wants to look it up.

If you and your GF are dating and having sex while your within legal limits, and one of you has a birthday and your not within those limits for a short while, you can still have sex. I forget which case that was though. :gotme:

I’ll find it.