How do you feel about the situation? Does the Dad deserve to be charged for what he did? Or should the kids parents be held liable for not watching their twat of a son?
I think, personally, the kid should of got his teeth knocked out
This should not even be an issue, even though it is always turned into one. The kid was firing slap shots at him, so the guy put a stop to it. Its not like the guy beat the kid up, he just stopped him from trying to hurt everyone. If this kid has been warned before and no Pepsi Center officials were there to handle it, then this guy had to.
Fuck no he should not be charged. the 10 year old was endangering the fathers son. This country is a fucking joke when it comes to kids and discipline. When I was growing up, I got my ass beat when I did something wrong. Today the law prohibits this which is sending out the wrong message to youngsters. They think they can do anything…prevents parents from properly taking matters into their own hands and enables kids to basically do whatever the fuck they want. Sad but true.
Because he put his hands on the kid even though most of us would agree that the kid was wrong an the father was definetly in the right. My question is where were the pepsi center officals espically if this kid was already on thin ice an why did the police not use discretion an refrain from charging the dad?
Fuck no he should not be charged. the 10 year old was endangering the fathers son. This country is a fucking joke when it comes to kids and discipline. When I was growing up, I got my ass beat when I did something wrong. Today the law prohibits this which is sending out the wrong message to youngsters. They think they can do anything…prevents parents from properly taking matters into their own hands and enables kids to basically do whatever the fuck they want. Sad but true.
Well, to be fair, I don’t think anyone is telling you, that you cannot legally spank your own kid when they do something wrong.
I do think it is ridiculous that this guy is getting pulled through all this bullshit, when all he did was restrain an out of control kid who was endangering many other people.
really when it comes down to it, women, children, and cute animals aren’t beaten nearly enough in this world. if it was up to me, he would have slapped the shit out of that kid, then slapped the shit out of the mother, and if the deadbeat father was still around, slapped the shit out of him too.