WOW idiot kids..

no no no… not World of Wheels idiot kids…

I held back from severely beating 4 people tonight…

So I’m takin the wife back home around 11:30 heading down 88 to get on broughton rd to get to Jefferson hills…

I come over the hill where choice ciggarettes is and get into the turning lane to head down towards broughton rd when we both notice a car with someone hanging out the back window…
all of a sudden i see something fly at the windsheild and make the loudest smash ever.
I slammed on the brakes and spun aorund, I wasnt even thinking.
Flipped down my Blue LED visor light from when i was in the fire dept and turned it on and started chasing them, calling 911 as i was continueing down the road after them.
So i catch up to them and they pull into an auto repair shop right by the trolly stop. ( im guessing they thought i was a cop or something?)
So i throw the phone down and leave the operator hangin and get out of the car and head over to theirs… walk up and see that its 4 fucking kids that look like their 17-19 years old… all fucking keeping their mouth shut and shaking like shit… I dont know how I kept my cool and just screamed, I headed back to get the phone and call 911 again but i’m glad i did because I almost dragged one of these kids out of the car and beat the living fucking shit out of them.
2 bethel cops come and talk to me and my girl and I say what happened, i told them i think they threw a water bottle (since i seen a case of it in the car with them), but told the cops that whatever they threw might still be up on the road. So the cops are pullin the kids out of the car and asking each of them one by one what happened and finally they said yes they threw something from the car but wouldnt say WHO exactly threw it…
Cops then told me to go up and see if i can find what they threw.
So i go up there and find a Fucking Broken pop can that looks to have been throw into something and cracked open… That was def it cuz when I brought it back down they admited to throwing a FULL FUCKING POP CAN! but still wouldnt say WHO threw it.

OK now if it would have been a water bottle i wouldnt have cared as much, not much damage that would cause, and i wouldnt be pressing charges, i would have just let the cops do as they saw fit. But a fucking FULL POP CAN!!! good lord!
If that would have come thru the window and hit me in the face or got glass in my eye or in my girl’s face we could have wrecked and almost gotten killed… So when i found it was a pop can I wasnt taking it easy on these assholes anymore. I told the cops i want to press charges and they can do as they see fit tonight and i will see the 2 officers and the 4 kids in court.

So after about 45mins of the cops Screaming at these kids they say fuck it " Your all getting Multible citations and your going to court!!"

Cops come and talk to me and said their going to write them all tickets that will equal up to $400-$500 per person :eek3: :eek3: and I will be hearing from the officer about a court hearing. Told me that over top of those tickets i can press charges for wreckless driving, Wreckless endangerment, and a couple others… So i asked him about Aggravated Assault. ( Since this “pop can” was used as a weapon towards my vehicle and its passengers) and he said absolutely.

I think the kids are fucking lucky they decided to play this game with me and not someone else… Because whos to say that they did this to another person and they chased them down just like me but instead of calling the cops he pulls out a gun and shoots them??? I hope the little pricks learn a lesson.

So after 45mins or so all is said and done, ( i didnt go to jail for going ape shit and nobody got hurt) but 4 children who think its fun to throw things at cars now have about 4- $500 in fines and still have to face court for the charges im pressing… wonderful night let me tell ya… my hands are shaking still trying to come down from this fucking adrenaline rush.

can you honestly wholeheartedly say you have NEVER done something like this in high school?


i can honestly say i have NEVER throw’n anything at another car

i’ve squirt people with water guns…and thrown water ballons…
not try to throw a pop can thru a windsheild…

maybe i wouldnt be so harsh if it was a water bottle… but a fucking pop can thats thrown from a car moving at 30mph towards another car traveling at the same speed then thats a 60mph pop can and could have caused serious injury

wow kids nowdays

I would think, just pure physics, would tell me that a 20 oz. water bottle would do more damage than a 12 oz. soda can.

But anywho, glad to see no one got physically hurt.

pop can = metal

watter bottle = plastic

i’m guessing he thinks the water bottle will bounce when it hits

One of them will squeal on the one that did it.

Glad no one got hurt. But if you want to test the pop can vs. water bottle, we can set it up if you don’t mind sacrificing your windshield. :slight_smile: My vote is on the popcan going through first if you can get the bottom ribbed part to hit.

a few things…i prob would have beat them all with a 2x4…i’m glad nobody got hurt…but you yourself are also lucky that you didn’t get hit with impersonating an officer…that carries a hefty fine from what i understand. If you would have gotten some prick “i hate everyone the drives” officer that could have resulted in everyone getting in trouble. Kids must have been dumb though…u said fire dept right? Those lights are just blueberries with no cherries…i would have never pulled over:nono: …dumb kids shouln’t have thrown the bottle in the first place if they couldn’t outrun the roach…domestic rice ftw :bowrofl:

yeah im surprised you didnt get impersonating an officer…but at least you got the little bastards. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the kids that are always fuckin around in their cars in my neighborhood, like playing “tag” or “hide n seek” in their cars with the headlights off in the middle of the night…

so you didnt get a ticket for imitating an officer by turning on your fire light to chase a vechicle?

good… fuck them.

and cops have red and blue lights and he didn’t ‘approach’ the car with the intent to impersonate…

Good for you!!! Kids these days get away with too much bullshit! Teach them a lesson, and maybe mommy and daddy won’t let them out so late. Isn’t that violating curfew??? Good job :smiley:

Wife ?

wow. Just wow.

Glad no one got hurt. Glad the kids are getting what they deserve.

he meant husband.

on a similar note, back when I had my Accord, a kid in Brighton Heights chucked a rock at my car. I stopped my car in the middle of the road and chased him to his front door. His mom (looking not unlike Donkey Kong) burst out looking like she was going to kill/eat me. I told her what happened, and she leveled her kid with one smack. I opted to leave it at that and didn’t bother with the police.

What a stupid thing to do (the kids, not you). I most likely would have reacted the same way, although I probably would have resorted to kicking the shit out of at least one of them.

Way to keep your cool (yes, I did just say that). See to it that these brats get what’s coming to them.

For Christs sake there is snow on the ground. Throw snowballs. Pop can could of done some real damage. Now the parents will get all defensive and say how you should have not chased their babies. Not my Dad he would of kicked the shit out of me.