WOW idiot kids..

Exactly! i probably would have laughed…

at not one point did i try to “impersonate” .I have a Blue/Blue light and i think the kids just got scared cuz they seen bright lights flashing coming up behind them… I made chad almost piss his pants on rt8 once :rofl:

exactly, i had intent to stop the vehicle. its the same as me flashing them with a flashlight

Im just happy i kept it cool and didnt go postal resulting in beatings with a 6D Maglight
I could really be a dick and get a lawyer saying im affraid to drive now and I’m having sleeping issues. and sue :rofl:

WOW…I give props for keeping your cool. Chances are they would have wooped your ass tho…4 on 1 …unless these dudes were some hardcore pussies.

Also good thing you had the Neon…since it is sooo fast and all…I bet you caught up with the quickness with that whopping 120whp.

they were all shaking and talking extremely fast like they were about to piss themselves… the one cop completely FLIPPED on the kid that was shaking the most. telling him " if you didnt throw it then why are yu shaking so bad and talking like you dont know what to say!?"

about catching them… they were seriously doing about the speed limit if not 10 over… they werent speeding away which i found dumbfounding.

ohh and its 140whp :beer:

so what was the damage?

I saw some kids having a snowball fight over the road, you’d figure harmless, and some guy sticks his head out the window “If you fucking hit my car with one of those I’ll rip your god dam throat out!”…Overreaction?

Get them for all you can maybe it’ll knock some sense into them!

about $2000 in fines towards them :rofl: or should i say their parents…

thankfully it didnt crack or go thru the windsheild. cops still want me to go to court and press charges tho

You don’t hear too many stories of kids being punkasses and getting caught. Wish I heard more stories like this. Maybe it will teach others a lesson.

Way to keep your cool too.

Those kid def deserve to pay… but aggravated assult is a minimum of 5 years in prison b/c it is a first degree felony, even the worst beating with a 6D maglight isnt as bad as 5 years in a state penn. Get them, but try your best not to go overboard with the charges, don’t get me wrong thier dicks but buy the time this is over they’ll be sorry, but a felony on these kid is over the top.

9 times out of 10 when people are charged with aggravated assault with a case like this its dropped to simple assault. just requires more money and a lawyer. since an object was used as a weapon it would automaticly be aggravated. lawyer can get it reduced…
( just like if a i hit someon in the face and knocked them out it would be simple assault, now if a boxer hit someone in the face it would be aggravated since his hands are trained weapons…)

im guessing they’ll get a few fines like wreckless endangerment and MAYBE a simple assault, cop said more than likely the driver will lose license for 3 months or something along those lines.

sonny could more than likely give better insight on aggravated and simple assault.

I’m glad they got caught… I never did any stupid shit like that to cause property damage, just mainly throwing snowballs at buses.

as someone who did eighteen months of probation for simple assault for something blown out of proportion (a cafeteria fistfight in 11th grade), i think it would be the non-cuntish thing to do to seek something in lieu of assault charges.

you have the ability to fuck these kids pretty badly, but do you need to?

im not letting anything go past magitrate. if the judge decides to press the charges futher then it it out of my hands. sometimes you’ll go into court and say you want charges dropped and for them to pay the fines and the judge says no, im pressing the charges myself…

pretty much im going to tell the judge that someone could have been seriously injured and that i think what they have done they could be charged with aggravated, simple, assault, wreckless endangerment, wreckless driving, etc etc.
and what ever he judge decides on im game for

glad you caught them

Wow, I would have definitely gun-faced one of them if that happened to me.

x2 but i dont own a handgun and that would more than likely get you in jail…
6D battery maglight can do the same damage! :rofl:

i believe being involved in a chase is enough to justify impersonation of an officer

in that case you still did something wrong if they wanted to take it that far…any lights other than your headlights can be considered a distraction to other drivers…if they would have crashed because of getting scared of you chasing them not only would you feel slightly(SLIGHTLY) bad but if there would have been witnesses you would have been FUCKED. Are you still a volunteer firefighter? If not those lights shouldn’t even be in your car…and if you still are you had no reason to have them on seeing that there most likely wasn’t a fire call. This is all just constructive criticism…you did what you felt was right…but all in all those lights could have gotten you in trouble if the cops would have happened to see you chasing them. You didn’t have intent…but you had the lights on…they stopped…thought you were a cop…because of flashing lights…

I told the cop that i got them to stop with the visor light. he said good since if i didnt get them to stop there would be no way to catch them… and i wasnt “chasing them” it was more like a quick turn around and speed up to them… they were’nt speeding or trying to get away from me… caught up to them within 3/4 of a mile

your saying that being in a chase is enough to impersonate an officer?
so in other words if i were behind you and your muffler was almost falling and i kept flashing my high beams to get you to pull over then im impersonating an officer? :rofl: no… i think not

link sent to head os the firedepartment

like i would care?

didn’t you say you sped up to them and had your flashing lights on which in turn made them pull over? Isn’t that wat cops do? speed up and flick on the berries? common sense here. something in your mind prompted you to lie to the officer because somewhere deep inside ur brain you KNEW that using those lights for things like that is illegal…tell the officer the truth then see how far that case gets…and no sloroach in the instance that my muffler would be falling off and u would flick ur beams it would be distracting another driver…yes you would be warning me but how am i to know that? i don’t have a camera strapped to the ass of my car pointing towards the ground so that i can view my coffee can…your visor light…thats funny…cop just might be dumber than the kids to believe that…just be happy this didn’t happen somewhere where the kids that age are strapped…