WOW idiot kids..

:rofl: your paragraph made no sense. from what I understand i think your saying im a bad person for what i did? that i should’nt have followed them and reported them?
then telling me to tell the officer the truth? WTF are you talking about? i told the officer exactly what i said on here “i used a blue/blue visor light to make him pull over to stop him from getting away” cop was fine with that! WHO the fuck are you to tell me what to do when something like this happens??
and you say if i were flashing my highbeams at you to warn you about a loose part that you’d consider me trying impersonate a cop? :bowrofl: you have no fucking clue what your talking about… why dont you go back to fucking your hand and watching CSI and Law & Order!
I should be happy this didnt happen where kids are strapped rofl…
sorry yo, I dont live in “da hood” where 16-17 year ol nigga’s are carrying 9mil’s dat day bought off they drug money my friend.

I love how you try and make me look like the bad person :rofl:
So what would you do? would you follow him to get him to pull over to give them what they deserve? Or would you stop the car and pull out your fucking $22.00 fisher price “CSI” kit and try to find the criminal like the professional enforcerment officer you so think you are?

my point has been made that your a fucking retard that dont know what in the FUCK their talking about… K thanks bye:tool:

lmfao you really are just as stupid as i thought you were…you don’t know how to interpret what i say…so please stop trying…i think logically not stupidly like a lot of average people. It’s called constructive criticism so get used to it. Nobody is saying your a bad person…all i said it it could have ended bad…be happy it didn’t. Get your head out of your own ass and maybe just maybe you would see things clearly…and I’m a tool? hardly…try that same run somewhere thats actually dangerous and you’ll be thinking twice about pulling someone over again…it’s not my fault that your brain can’t handle anything above average everyday wording. As I’ve said to a few others on here…my life goes on if I’m flamed…so keep wasting your keystrokes and getting your panties in a bunch…maybe you’ll actually accomplish something by doing so. Nobody cares weather you look bad or not…this is the internet…whoopdy fuckin doo…like someone else on here said they were pussies in the first place…that COULD have ended bad…thats all i stressed…and you couldn’t take that? W/E keep posting i won’t be reading anymore. And lets not start the talk about who should be using the “n” word again…shit happens…somebody hit your neon oh wow…and who ever said i lived in the hood? You misunderstand things way too easily…and don’t have the balls to say shit to the other what…2 or 3 people who said THE EXACT SAME THING AS ME?!

i like peanut butter :dunno:

thank you for the change of subject…chunky or creamy?

the “n” word :rofl: i wasnt useing it to personally attack you… I said “nigga” not “nigger” and from what i understand when used as “niggA” it means “friend” correct?? im sorry that im just not “down with the brown” and cant understand the way you word things. im done fighting with you, so you can put your “I :love: Law&Order” shirt back on and stop acting like a tuff guy/ crime scene investigator you think you are.


creamy only chunky reminds me of the day after thanksgiving when the corn is visible :naughty:

lmfao i guess thats a good comparison…chunky is also like throwing up after you ate too fast and everything is still in peices on the floor

as someone who did eighteen months of probation for simple assault for something blown out of proportion (a cafeteria fistfight in 11th grade), i think it would be the non-cuntish thing to do to seek something in lieu of assault charges.

LOL! With who? I don’t remember that!

sorry i don’t watch tv i’m too busy working/driving/getting flamed by a loser on PS
You know all about the L&O accessories…you must own them yourself :itr41:
and no “nigga” is just as derogatory as “nigger” so don’t use it point blank period and your “down with the brown” comment was unnecessary so stop before u get too far and actually piss someone off…

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :rofl:

:ban: :ban: :ban: :ban:

for what? I did not once personally attack you

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Not to look past something very important,
I’m glad that both you and your girlfriend are ok, thats really screwed up what happened to you out of the blue, I really don’t know what I would do if I were in that situation, but I would be supprised if I acted calm

I was everything BUT calm, i just held back from going postal which im glad

dam dude i would of punched everyone of the kids in the face. then called the cops.

sooo ur sayin ur a crazy volunter fire fighter, who konw thinks that he has a blue light, he can chase ppl down, pull em over and act like a cop??? ur likey u didnt cause an accident and get more ppl hurt…

couldn’t agree more…


What would have been wrong with calling 911 from your handy dandy cell phone, telling the real police your location and tag number from the car, then offer to follow the car until the real police showed up?

ok once again must a fucking clearify


all i did was drove after these people and they fucking pulled into the parking lot abot 100yards BEFORE i got behind them…
can you not read?:ugh2:

and your saying “who now thinks he can pull people over”
i’ve been a firefighter for 2 1/2 years… i’ve never tried “pulling people over”…

WTF DO YOU THINK I DID!? i did exactly what you said above…
called 911, said location, said i’m catching up to the car to see where they are, then stayed on the line and gave the operator the license number till the cops got there.

I didnt walk up to the car acting like a cop asking for the kid’s fucking license dumbass…
Were you there? no so STFU noob. i guess you need to learn how to read too?

u cant chase somebody and put on a blue light, then proceed to get out of the car and start screamin at them, they pulled over thinking u prob were a cop. i dont understand why u just couldnt get teh plate number, and phone it in. the cops would find out the owner of the car, go to there house, and that would make that lil bastard confess in no time to who acutally threw out the pop can


in order to get the plate number i had to follow them in the first place… and by the time they seen a light come around the bend they already were in the parking lot sitting there…
so what??? you’d want me to get the plate number while i was on the phone with 911 and let them go on their way?? :bowrofl: :nuts:

and the bastards still didnt confess who threw it… they just said someone in the car threw it. now if i would have let them go on their way the driver would have taken all the kids home by the time the cops came there and he would have stood there saying “oh i didnt do anything wrong officer”

you understand what im saying now!?