Pepsi Center incident

wow 19 no and 0 yes.I"m actually proud of you guys:headbang: Hope he gets off and the kid gets banned from there.

WOW, unanimous 23 - 0 in favor of the father…

but then again… how hard can a 10 year old really slap a puck?


It takes a village to raise a child.



The Amish got it right :wink:

added my no vote



WOW, unanimous 23 - 0 in favor of the father…

but then again… how hard can a 10 year old really slap a puck?


not the point

35 and 0.

Maybe there is some hope for this country.

If the judge gives this guy anything, even a parking ticket, that judge should be hung from the nearest tree to the courthouse. Send a real message that this country is sick and tired of bullshit judges.

the 10 yr old should be punished by the father shooting pucks at him.

okay…maybe not that…but the fathers son should be able to

Cripes. What a jackass little kid. Good he’s banned too.

38 - 0 wow

40-0 the guy better not get shit. This is a small automotive forum, imagine what Buffalo feels.

41-0 this is rediculous. Where are this kids parents anyway

Should he be charged? Faaaaaaaaaawk no. A throwback to the days when kids learn (any fucking way) to respect their elders, not just their parents, would do society some good. It’s not like the guy was out of control or hit the kid. :mamoru: Even if he had clocked the little booger I’d still be on the father’s side.

psphinx81 way to be the token retard :cjerk: :stuck_out_tongue:

its not like he beat the kid. he just dragged him off the ice

I think the kid and his parents should get a swift kick in the ass. The mother is claiming like they’re the victims here when her little piss ant son, who has a record of pulling shit like this, starts harassing people. Wake the fuck up and discapline your child you dumb c*nt!!!

I hereby announce that if that man gets charged with anything, I will lose what shred of faith I have in humanity…

JCuz, psphinx81, somedude

Will all be asshole parents.


The guy should turn around and have assault charges brought against the kid and sue the shit out of his parents.