I could not agree with you more here. Especially when there are signs that say “USE BOTH LANES TO MERGE POINT.” That means, if you get in the lane 2 miles before you need to, there is no need to be a dick and block the people that can read.
It’s not just trucks, it’s anyone. I come across it all the time and there is nothing more irritating. Why does everyone merge so damn early around here? it just slows traffic down worse, causes congestion much further back then it would if people used common sense.
I always go as far up as I can before merging, but I never go fast. I’ll just slowly creep up to the merge point and someone will let me in. Going fast in this situation is a great way to piss people off.
puts on flame suit Ok, now I’m ready for the haters.
I do that everyday going to/from work. And I even do it when there are no signs that say “Use both lanes to merge point”. It’s stupid to sit there when there is a perfectly good lane to drive in.