Big Brother 1984 could come to Pit

more invasion of privacy…including license plate readers on bridges…boooooo

If you don’t break laws, there’s no reason to worry

your average pittsburgh fast lane drive does NOT go the speed limit

even the slow lane is at least 10 over

Truth. I didn’t say I don’t break any. But if there’s going to be cameras, I’ll be slowing down.


eh that would be a hard change…the speed limits in PA are lower than any other state…then again…a lot of stuff in PA is different…and not for the better

Who are you? :jerkit:

Things such as this are already in place in other states. Just something else no one can do anything about, so just get used to it.

then someone give me an anxiety pill :weak:

I’ll still drive just as fast. Screw getting use to it, I think it’s time to do somthing about it.

i doubt that its going to effect me.

this is just fallout from the new casino peoject like the proposed 10 percent tax increase on alcohol and the coming availability of 6 packs at beer distributors.

it’s that mind state that will be the demise of a free society. I don’t commit any crimes per say, but just think about how invasive these cameras will be. you give these people an inch and they’ll take a foot. sure, they say that these are to deter crime and such. so they start by putting them up in areas with a high crime rate so all these so called criminals start doing business elsewhere. the next thing you know, more cameras. and then more cameras. now everytime i flick a cigarette butt out the window i get a 100 ticket for littering and every time some drunk slut flashes her tits on the southside, she gets busted for indecent exposure. fuck that. the last thing we need is more gov’t control, whether it be local or federal

Fuck them all in their hairy government intruding asses.

the court system fucks everything up so they wanna get people on petty crimes. they never try to fix the real problems. start giving people serious time for the crimes they are convicted of and stop lettin people off with slaps on the wrist. build more prisons if you have to. And seriously i could go out my house right now drive a fews blocks to hazelwood and watch drug deals. you don;t need cameras for that, you need police that have the backing of our courts to do it! this all goes back on the shoulders of all the do-gooder groups, the libs, NAACP, ACLU , etc etc… the courts are so hand cuffed.

I agree with zack

umm he’s been around a hell of a lot longer than you.

Let me rephrase. Who the hell is he to tell me DIAF for posting my view on the topic.

Let me rephrase. Who is he to tell me to DIAF for posting my view on the topic? :stick:

Besides, anyone here ever been to New York City? If you have, I bet you were on camera at several (dozens) points throughout the day. Did it affect you?

For the record, I do not agree with the cameras - I think they are complete and utter bullshit. There just isn’t much any of us can do about it.

I like the idea. Put cameras in shitty areas to catch criminals, dealers, etc. They use something very similar in London. How do you think they caught some of those would-be bombing terrorists?

If they were those speed cameras or something, it’d be a different story.

We need a designated Pittspeed protest day and Zack isn’t allowed to attend :love: