Big Brother 1984 could come to Pit

Like I said, I do not agree with the cameras. :eek3:


Maybe you did. I didn’t read everything, honestly. I just skimmed through and singled you out :idb:

new york city is in no way comparable to pittsburgh… there is 10 million people there.

All its for is another petty money making scheme. Its not gonna deter crime. People do shit right infront of the police already. our money is blown on such stupid projects, they need a way to recoupe it. One stupid project was the merry goround/park right on forbes in oakland… what a fucken waste of money. seriously… like theres not enough park for the students to go to already. all you did was eliminate a couple hundred parking spots in the extremely gridlocked oakland and now schenley park looks like hell cause its full of cars. dont get me started on the casino and the subway thing. a factory should have been brought in with real jobs… not low paying service jobs like the majority of those that will be at the casino. not to mention when it bankrupts resisdents… take a look at the mass exit in detroit because of the casinos. with exception to AC and LV most places where casinos are turn into a shit hole.

Have you been to AC recently? Off of the boardwalk, the place is a giant shithole.

On another note, now is the time to secure a spot near the casino location to open up a pawn shop.

well that proves my point more then… yeah, u think cars gettin broken into is bad down there now… wait till people are even more hard up.

Yea man, it’s nuts. The boardwalk and the strip where all of the hotels are on is decent, and like two blocks in gets shitty. Pawns shops every block, sometimes two a block, and all kinds of houses that look like they should be condemned.

Plus, these guys were there.

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Say it together now…Nanny State.

After Casinos, Pgh will be a big shithole just like AC is now.

Cameras are government BS, that will, like every other new government scheme, screw the working class, but allow the elite and the scum sucking bottom feeders to do as they please.

Time to vote with your feet kids, Pgh is going to diaf, get out while you can.

it’s that mind state that will be the demise of a free society. I don’t commit any crimes per say, but just think about how invasive these cameras will be. you give these people an inch and they’ll take a foot. sure, they say that these are to deter crime and such. so they start by putting them up in areas with a high crime rate so all these so called criminals start doing business elsewhere. the next thing you know, more cameras. and then more cameras. now everytime i flick a cigarette butt out the window i get a 100 ticket for littering and every time some drunk slut flashes her tits on the southside, she gets busted for indecent exposure. fuck that. the last thing we need is more gov’t control, whether it be local or federal


“You have nothing to fear if you aren’t breaking the law” is a downright SCARY mindset.

Does anyone else really not give a fuck? :dunno:

I’ll take “Sheeple who don’t deserve Freedom” for $200, Alex?

Those who relinquish essential Liberty for temporary Security deserve neither.

…and will lose both.

These are serious issues, and it pains me that most Americans cannot see that.

On the other hand, it makes me feel better, because my friends, Ruger, Kimber, Rem, a few others and I, are ready for whatever happens, while most of the Sheeple (Cheeks, 77rednecktruck, jph102900) have no clue. I still need to befriend a certain Mr. Kalash.

Read the title of this thread, then maybe the book, 1984, to which it refers. Wake up.


Me either. Its not like they are going to use these cameras to catch you for speeding or something. Yah, if you are driving like a complete ass and almost causing accidents, they might come find you, but seriously, you guys really think this is a big deal? I wish I had your life then if your biggest concern is security cameras on bridges :crying:

I don’t know but my take on the thread wasn’t what THESE cameras are doing. It’s what it could possibly all lead to the in near future with more and more of these sorts of things being implemented throughout the city to the point that there is no privacy.

Fuck cities. Good thing I live in Ohio again.


yeah I’m sure judges are all like "well, I was gonna give this child murdering rapist life but instead I’ll give him probation… cause I’m afraid of what the ACLU might do.

oh you picked an extreme example, thats rediculous and its not what i was referring to. too many guys skating on drugs charges, gun charges, stolen cars, etc… all the stuff is precursor to worse crimes

So the police get to have a pre-crimes division? Oh man, remember that Tom Cruise movie?!? :smiley: J/K.

Rehabilitation instead of/with incarceration would help, instead of locking’em up for a few hots and a cot then releasing them with no way to lift up instead of falling back into the life that lead them there?