PA Speeding ticket blitz

I know there have been threads about this in the past, but shouldn’t this be illegal? They’re openly telling everyone that they’re not in uniform and busting speeders.

Unmarked cars are one thing, but this is getting out of hand. I do not promote speeding, however I do thing our rights are being trampled in the name of raising revenue for a failing state.

Operation Yellow Jacket is a partnership between PennDOT and the Pennsylvania State Police. Troopers dress like PennDOT workers to monitor the speed of motorists to ensure the safety of workers and motorists in work zones. Motorists should remember, the next time they see a PennDOT worker in the work zone, they could be a trooper monitoring speed.

Honestly, wtf?

This guy is even worse…I mean, if he’s sitting on the shoulder, most of us would slow down anyway, but I don’t think it was that obvious.

Kirsch clocked motorists as he sat in a lawn chair, using a newspaper in one hand to shield the radar gun he held in the other hand. The trooper, dressed in cut-off blue jeans, a T-shirt and a Penn State ball cap, set up shop just off the four-lane highway that’s posted 55 mph. Kirsch radioed descriptions of speeding vehicles to two nearby troopers on motorcycles who were assigned to track down violators.

I mean, we pay for the roads, I’d like to see a citizens movement to change the speed limit on all major highways to 70mph.

Maybe if PennDOT workers weren’t sitting on the side of the road and doing their job instead there would be less threat of them getting hit by cars. That’s the main reason for not speeding in a work zone. I can understand the safety of the workers, but getting hit at 45mph is gonna hurt as much as 55. I

As far as teh guy in the lawn chair, that has to be illegal in one way or another. Gotta be some form of entrapment.

if your speeding… its your own fault u got caught.

I don’t agree with the whole program, but… what can you do? They will do what they want…

“Operation Yellow Jacket is a partnership between PennDOT and the Pennsylvania State Police.”

What we need is Operation Learn How to Pave which would be a partnership between PennDOT and a civil engineering company that knows what the hell they’re doing. Then maybe they wouldn’t have needed to suspend their “sealing” of the roads, and it wouldn’t sound like you’re driving through a pool of tar on 837.

Hahahahahaha I Agree


x2. One guy running a backhole, 5 guys standing there holding a shovel.


dont speed. esp in construction zones. easy.

It’s not just construction zones, the one guy was in a lawn chair in jean shorts with a newspaper. When I see that I think…homeless guy, not cop with a radar gun.

Besides, how do you not speed in a 55, honestly?

5 miles from me!!hehe right where i raced the soupra

You want to put the screws to them, stop everyone from speeding. No speeding = no revenue.

chill out guys, those shovels can’t hold themselves up

what about the guy that got killed friday… local 66 my new union. go and tell his family that it was their son’s fault. not the jack ass speeding or going into the construction lane.

you speed you get ticketed… lets bitch about the judicial system when you shoot someone and then complain about how you get treated in jail. if you didnt shoot that person you wouldnt be in jail…

man the fuck up shut the fuck up and fuckin drive 5 over at most… or fuckin pay your fine and quite your bitchin

i agree with the whole don’t speed in construction zones, however they are getting out of hand with this catching speeders bullshit.

If the police spent half as much time solving REAL crimes as they did sitting on the side of the road with a stopwatch or radar gun, things would actually get accomplished. But i guess there isn’t as much money to be made by taking burglars, and rapists off the streets as there is busting people for speeding.

And if PennDOT workers had to take a class to learn how to pave a fucking road, then there would be alot less “reckless driving”.

In personal experience, when i was 17 years old i was run off the road by a for f150 in my volkswagen jetta, i nearly lost my life in the crash careening over a 10 foot embankment and into the creek. The police showed up and sat me in the back of the cop car (it was raining) and after my car was pulled from the creek, they issued ME a ticket for “driving at an unsafe speed for conditions”. About a month later while i was saving my dunkin donuts wages to get my car fixed, someone came onto my PRIVATE LANE, onto my driveway and broke into my car, stealing my CD player, shift knob and shift boot. I called the police and they literally told me “there’s nothing we can do”. How about come take a police report? fuck, dust for fingerprints i don’t fucking know, do something!..Yet they failed to do anything, not even take a goddamn report…Motherfucker believe about a month later when i got my car back out they nailed me for “careless driving”…

Also, they’re more worried about fucking WINDOW TINT than they are real crimes. Some guy somewhere is killing someone and they’re concerned because they can’t clearly see into my car. FUCK THAT. If they’re bored maybe they should go help penndot pave the roads, it’s not like it requires talent.


I haven’t seen Penndot in a long time to do actual work. Maybe in the tubes that’s about it and plow roads. Certainly aren’t re-doing the I-79 from Neville island to wexford/ Rt 65 Connection

Should be bitching about the sub contractors they hire to do road work :stick:

4doors. 5 gears. zero brains.


Isn’t that kind of the point? :hsugh:

Besides, how do you not speed in a 55, honestly?

If you cant handle the occasional ticket, don’t speed. :dunno:

the roads down here are all immaculate. They pave them every couple of years, before they get bad, they do it super fast, and none of that tar and chip shit either.

oh, and I just got a speeding ticket for 18 over and it was $75.

PA FTL. :kekegay:

Spend 1 week on the other side of a badge, you’d change your tune instantly.