and you are who?
yeah FYI penn dot doesnt do the paving on the major highways… its all subbed out to LANE or TRUMBELL or other companies. first off… so bitch at them not penn dot.
second. if you want to bitch about roads. how bout do something about the funding. the state can only pay for the roads to get done with the money that they have. obama wants to fun the federal road fund and mccain wants to take away the fenderal funding put it on the states problem and then not even lower your federal taxes. aka take away less spending and keep taxes the same. AWESOME… NOT!!!11!!1!1!!
they get how much snow??? i do belive that has something to do with it!
I don’t care if they cut funding, Obama has already promised to make steep tax increases. Sure Federal funding means we get the money spent here instead of subsidizing farmers in Idaho, but it’s still using tax dollars.
Accident record
The overall safety record of German autobahns is generally better than other European motorways. German autobahn fatality rates are lower than Austria’s and higher than Switzerland’s rates. Motorways are safer than other road types, as documented below.
Better roads are the answer, not lower speed limits.
thats why i put YEAH… meaning what he said. :rant:
yeah :kekegay:
In what way does that justify them not doing shit about things like i mentioned, like a robbery? They’re scared to spend my tax dollars to solve real crimes because it would be too costly? I got a better idea, i’ll keep my tax dollars and solve my own fucking crimes the old fashion way…:reloading:…I’m not saying it’s entirely the police’s fault directly, it’s the sad way the governement works i suppose.
the only reason the roads suck around here is becuase of the terrain and the weather.
as soon as you cross the stateline into ohio from pennsylvania on the turnpike, the road gets 1000% nicer…ohio’s weather is pretty much the same as ours. so i don’t entirely agree with that being the reason why they are shitty, but it is a reason why they deteriorate so quickly.
ohio is also flat
i lived in Germany for 3 years similier weather and terrain as PA. the roads are completely different.
actually i was watching a PBS special about the PA turnpike a few years ago. well German Engineers cam in when they where building it and said it was a POS and would fall apart…
also on another note. 79 south the new part near carneige was said to be the smoothest road in PA
Pittsburgh does get a bit more snow, but we do get some down here and the freeze/thaw is just as bad as up there.
a concerned citizen, that is all.
You are an idiot, plain and simple. Go talk to a cop and i’m sure they’ll tell you that a staggering number of crimes are solved or prevented by a mundane traffic stop. Do you think crooks obey the speed limit after robbing a bank or killing someone? :wtf: Think a little bit before you judge. Just because you don’t agree with what they are doing doesn’t make you right.
The cheap ass material that they make our roads out of and Penn Dot not doing their job in overseeing those contractors. My uncle was an inspector a while go and would not overlook their problems, so he got shafted by Penn Dot.
I try to keep speed down in a work zone that they are working on, but they do love leaving up old signs for a while for a speed ticket zone I’ll bet.
sometimes it’s very difficult to know when they are working.
sometimes the white blinking light stays on 24/7 with nobody around.
I have yet to figure out the exact reason why the state police sit with their lights on. sure it slows down traffic and he’ll sometimes it causes unnecessary annoying brake checks by motorist. Doesn’t bother me why the police sit their, just bothers me the motorist have to rubberneck at the cop.
so what if he is playing PSP. i swear people rubberneck to see what game he’s playing
Oh i forgot the majority of the people can’t look inside the cop car, Big truck see everything
Yeah our roads are decent, they only have problems when they cut a section out to lay pipe or wires(who knows) then try and repave it and it collapses 4 times before they get it right. Other then that yup badass.
ok, but you’re still missing my point, YOU go talk to a cop and ask them how many crimes are solved when they don’t even come take a police report when something happens. This was MY personal experience that caused me to feel the way i do, it’s not an unjustified judgement. I never condoned speeding and said that they should never catch speeders, i just feel like the focus is more on what makes them more money than the promise of “to protect and to serve.”