PA Speeding ticket blitz

Your an idiot, I hope you have a hot sister that’s an idiot also.

Because he’s getting paid big $$ overtime to sit in his patrol car and do nothing with out taxpayer dollars.

Son of Sam confessed during a traffic stop (I think he had a tail light out) and was quickly arrested, but smart criminals DO obey speed laws.

Just because something prevents crime, doesn’t make it justified. Scruff McGruff prevents crime, maybe we should get people to dress up like him.

But seriously police can be very effective if they’re good at what they do. However, many efforts are a waste of our money and some push the bounds of infringing on our rights. I think that police in disguise busting unsuspecting people for speeding is an example of such an effort. And this isn’t about construction zones, that’s just one place where this covert tactic is implemented.

The statistics prove that higher speed limits do not impact safety in any significant manner. It’s purely about revenues, and since they’re wasting more tax dollars than ever, they need to be even more creative about how to bust people/raise money.

lol at pussies afraid to speed. drive the speed limit. problem solved.


So you’re down with conformity?

yup… if you speed and you get caught, you get a ticket. life sucks.

FYI Kilbuck cops moved to Stowe Twp. 1 wrote 234 tickets in a day.

careful on Mccoy Rd.

Not even possible; where did you pull that from. In an 8 hour day that’s a ticket every two minutes…:stick:

how about this one, they warn you with a big sign stating the MPH limit of that road.

also you live in america your so called rights are an illusion.


I guess if so feel the need just go ahead and kill someone. Or if you want some pussy, rape a bitch. I mean, ya know, the laws say you can’t do it, but fuck conformity!

So, if everyone was then breaking the laws, would you then begin to not break them because everyone is conforming to the idea that laws don’t count?

Your fucking tune is tiresome. I guarantee you’d be the first person to bitch and complain and call the cops when someone robs your house or rapes your mother or whatever. But, they don’t beleive in conformity so I say that we should just let them go!

maybe he did a 12 hr day?

or multiple vehicles got more then 1 ticket ?

BS about the 234 tickets, Very true about the motorcycle cop from kilbuck now working for stowe. I even think he is DOT certified.

Seen the bald headed eye glasses officer daily for stowe, very hard to forget a fuckhead cop calling me into court for a hood scoop down at Judge russo years ago when he worked for kilbuck.

Average traffic stop while writing a citation is atleast 15 minutes; add 10 minutes to find someone to pull over… each car must be getting like ten tickets… damn.

15 minutes? :rofl:

I’ve been pulled over probably 10 times, i’d say thats about the average.

Right, because speeding, rape, theft and murder are all equal. That’s why cops sit around with cameras so they can fine rapists, thieves and murderers. The crimes are clearly of the same severity and in our judicial system receive the same punishment. Thanks for pointing that out, I totally forgot.

If you can’t safely operate a vehicle over 55mph then by all means, don’t go over 55mph. But clearly most people can, which is why the police have switched to such tactics.

My point with conformity is that we shouldn’t just do whatever the “authorities” tell us is best, and accept it at face value. Rendell wishes to turn I80 and I79 into toll roads to generate revenue for this financially failing state. This ticket surges are another form of fund raising.

Throughout history such infringements on the rights of people have taken place, and the response of the people decides the course of events to follow. Should the sheeple prevail, the authorities will continue to strengthen their power and their grip as the sheeple do exactly as they are told without expressing disagreement on any level. That is what you suggest.

Our founding fathers and other great men would suggest we question the limits themselves as well as the tactics employed, ensuring that the servant government is serving the people, not their own interests.

But what do I know, just keep eating the line of bull that Rendell is feeding you. I mean look at PA taxes since he came into office, what an improvement!

Right, because speeding, rape, theft and murder are all equal. That’s why cops sit around with cameras so they can fine rapists, thieves and murderers. The crimes are clearly of the same severity and in our judicial system receive the same punishment. Thanks for pointing that out, I totally forgot.

If you can’t safely operate a vehicle over 55mph then by all means, don’t go over 55mph. But clearly most people can, which is why the police have switched to such tactics.

My point with conformity is that we shouldn’t just do whatever the “authorities” tell us is best, and accept it at face value. Rendell wishes to turn I80 and I79 into toll roads to generate revenue for this financially failing state. This ticket surges are another form of fund raising.

Throughout history such infringements on the rights of people have taken place, and the response of the people decides the course of events to follow. Should the sheeple prevail, the authorities will continue to strengthen their power and their grip as the sheeple do exactly as they are told without expressing disagreement on any level. That is what you suggest.

Our founding fathers and other great men would suggest we question the limits themselves as well as the tactics employed, ensuring that the servant government is serving the people, not their own interests.

Good post.