PA Speeding ticket blitz

Well, you felt the need to over simplify things before, so why not over-exaggerate?

I’m sure that John Adams, George Washington, and the other founding fathers found the laws regarding the speed of their horses to be governed so much that they must fight back against the English and their rule of the American colony.

I appreciate your dislike for Rendell, but if you want to go off on a tangent, at least make it one that is somewhat correlated to your previous arguments. Taxing the interstates, while unpopular with some, is not against the law, does not limit to wish the harm in which people can inflict upon themselves and others because of their carelessness.

A good example of authorities telling you what is best is the use of Cigarettes. It’s now a well known fact that they are harmful to your health and to those around you. There are some that would like to see them outlawed. They are not. People who wish to partake in them are warned and cautioned against the problems and downfalls of the cigarette, but nonetheless are legally allowed to partake in them.

You are confusing driving with a right, which it is not. It is a privilege. It is a right to bear arms. It is a right to free speech. It is not a right to own a motor vehicle, therefore if you do not with to abide by the laws set forth, then feel free to no longer drive. It is real simple.

If you are naive enough or stupid enough (or both) to believe that you are standing up for your rights and fighting the man by refusing to abide by laws which neither impede your ability nor limit the effectiveness of your vehicle, then you are the “sheeple” as you’d like to say.

If you wanted to make such a difference, you’d be out doing it. Instead, your the guy standing on the corner or screaming from the mountain tops for no reason other than to hear (or in this case, read) his own words.

I was trying to find some like-minded, freedom loving individuals that understand the Police State nature of the recent efforts of law enforcement. Clearly we differ on this subject. I think the disguises and such are too much, and we should have a fair chance to hit the brakes/see the police vehicle. While we both support lawful behavior, you think the current efforts to enforce speed limits are valid, and I think they are not.

Check out this video… It shows how awesome a 55MPH speed limit is for commuters.

[ame=“”]55: A Meditation on the Speed Limit Around the Perimeter[/ame]

aside from the young spock… good video… leave it to a bunch of unemployed college students lol

And there we have it. 55…can upset the entire morning commute and cause severe road rage.

old vid, but good one.

Go faster, and dont get caught? If your gonna speed, speed. 100, 120, 180, whats the diff? Your gonna get boned when you pull over anyways.

And that’s the reason why the rolling roadblock purveyors and cruise-control monkeys are fucking assholes. Thank you for the awesome link showing this.

until Congress allows drilling in our country which will reduce the fears of future supply (even if it takes 4-7 years to get anything out of the ground), reduce our dependence on the world for fuel, and allow us to find alternative sources without pushing moronic solutions like corn-based fuels.

Until prices easy, Cruise control on the daily driver is being used heavily!

there are hundreds of oil and gas wells being drilled throughout your own backyard in western PA.

I think it’s predominantly natural gas here. Do you know how much oil PA actually produces?

Oxymoron, If they were truly smart, they wouldn’t be criminals, they’d be lawyers. :bigok:

STFU and don’t speed, end of story!

not huge amounts. but they are drilling for oil in Northern Armstrong county and quite a bit in northwestern PA, where the oil industry was invented…

So it’s one or the other? How do you explain Rendell, the Clintons and most of Congress???


ain’t enough for national/world needs. More supply means that futures market won’t be betting on oil being had to get and expensive…

If they are truly smart, they get paid for it. Government is pretty much being paid to be a criminal.

Ask most people around and they will tell you that the local cops are worse than the state police. They need the money for thier area. Irwin police are always harassing people about “loud cars” and window tint. Greensburg Police speed up and down my street all the time, and run the stop sign at the bottom of my hill. But I “cruised” through one in Southwest Greensburg and POW! Got a ticket for running a stop sign. Same cop 2 days later ran the sign at the bottom of my street.

As long as it’s possible, government, in all forms, will use any tactic possible to gain revenue. The police are just one method. I have known a few State Troopers over the years, and they are, for the most part, just doing thier job. You may not agree with it, I know I don’t, but that is the way it is. I speed up and down Rt. 30 everyday, and I know that I could get caught anyday. If I do, then it’s my fault. I don’t believe in speed limits. If you can handle your car properly, then you shoud have enough sense to know it’s limits. Most people don’t know how. But my belief isn’t law and if I get caught the judge isn’t gonna say, “it’s ok cause you can handle your car”. He’s gonna be like “pay the fine”.