Brides Maids.

Fucking hillarious movie. Go see it, gay boys.

feel like i should neg and revoke the man card for this post…

nick charger loves chicks with dicks.

lock 1

I’m gonna have to agree with nick on this one… That movie is awesome

Feel like youre going into the red area.

Gayest movie ever made

besides possibly the fifth F&F movie.

WOAH! Better calm down there.

cant… just started roids dood.


Gotta say I always thought Maya Rudolph was cute.

Better than the hangover.

on a side note. The Hangover 2 comes out may 26th.

Fucking nick camaro being hella gay

Kenny murrdawg’s car being hella blown up.

tsssss… Im sending you to one of those camps where you can get cured for gayness.

You’ll see the movie eventially, and be like :facepalm, he was right, its awesome. Im an idiot.

Youu watchh.

Good fail.