Going to see it with my girl at 12am (employee only showing)

Who else is planning on seeing it.

arent you so special

Not me. Gay movie got gayer by releasing a game… that is gay. Gay. :gay

There seems to be an overwhelmingly homosexual vibe about this post, I don’t know why…

gay gay gay gay gay.


No PJB sir. I can haz fun.

Anyways, I liked the first one quite abit, its just the following ones seemed weak. Although I have only seen I, II, and part of III.

3 had the most blood i think. 5 was ok. 4 was good when it came out. and 2and 1 was good. idk how its gunna fare with 6. Seems like the same shit every year. but i guess this is def the last one? idk.

im going later tonight to see itt

Gay cause you’re not going with me.

well you should have said you wanted to go last night instead of going out then huh