SAW V!!!!!! October 24th

just saw these trailers and cant wait till the 24th.
heres the link for the vids, i like the second vid the best

hell yeah

OMG!!! thats awsome!

SWEEEEEET Lets set this muthafuckin meet up!

i gotta continue the tradition of seeing every one of them on opening night! no matter what anyone says these movies have a lot of cool elements to them, the plots kick ass

I really keep thinking there is no way they can continue to make these good but every time it is just so amazing… I hope this is no exception

i have seen 1 and 2… how is 3 and 4? might have to go pick them up before 5 comes out.

But wait… he pushed the buttons… why did it still cut him in half??

Isn’t it supposed to be a choice kinda thing?

…do you guys want to play a game…?

… and my verdict one of the worst of the 5.
:tdown: I’d like my $22.50 back

just saw it…

another fucking cliffhanger


there will be about 10-15 saw movies. I won’t see this one, the last one was bad enough.

thats why JS was mad,


jigsaw’s games actually give them a choice

i agree, it was more of a detective movie with one of his game thrown in. i still dont understand what the doin of the game was besides framing that cop

Just saw it friday. The ending was definitely not what i was expecting to happen…


Just tied a lot of stuff together. Didnt have much as a crazy storyline that the others did.

All the others, at the end I have thought “Wow” when the story comes together. This one didnt seem to have that effect but did leave a lot for future movies.

saw is the new age, halloween/friday the 13th series to me…seent he first four, gotta see this just for tradition…

I felt like the ending came much too soon and didnt have the suspense it deserved…

I cant stand the fucking endless storyline that gets more worthless and diluted every movie.

the first couple where they do the rapid flashback at the end I was like holy shit thats awesome, now its almost boring to watch and doesnt have any good twists

They should have just wrapped it up with this one and been done…