SAW V!!!!!! October 24th

and lose out on millions with future movies?

don’t think so

+1 I was under the influence this was the last one until the ending and then Internet reports of the next one due out next Halloween.

It would’ve been better. I don’t think this one is going to actually profit much. Saturday night and the theatre was empty, and in my area that is pretty sad.

I never really saw any suspense in the movies since the first one, but this one had little to none it was quite sad and I was pretty stoked.

I think it was pretty good. Ending was not to be expected. Previews say his last one, but the lil helper is still alive. Leaves questions in the air?

Saw VI verified…

For hockey/saw fans.

thats just fucking cool

i thought 6 is gonna be the last.?

Yeah, really cool. Pretty soon hockey uniforms are going to look like this:

if they were smart,
not saying greed = smart

but, if they wanted to leave it as a decent horror series, they should stop.

release a box set.

and be done.

or else its going to be dragged out like friday the 13th… how many are there? 14? has anyone actually seen them? straight to dvd? thought so.

anyways, I am pretty excited about the remake of friday the 13th…

name some of the ways ppl died in this one

big swinging axe …obv. cut a dude to death…

+1 on everything you said.

saw at drive in

not pleased.

loved bj

saw it last night.
not worth the time i spent trying to explain it to my wife.
always liked the flick seven better that the saw movies