Bring back public executions

I felt sick reading that story.

cut off his fingers, toes, and limbs, then shoot him, then end it with him on fire.

they should give him lethal injection. but instead of poisons, they should inject him with random shit, like bleach, motor oil, vinegar ect.

lol thats too easy. i like my idea more :slight_smile:


floss his body with barbed wire! one way in one way out

i vote whoever from now on makes a “i saw this car” should be publically executed

They use rabbits and monkeys for chemical testing. I have a substitution I’d like to make.

me to. I HATE liberals for raping this girl.

I mean, wait. er, what?

It does slightly ease my mind that once he gets to prison he will probably be beaten on a daily basis for this.

Instead of letting the law deal with it how they normally would, I say we get a NYSpeed “Lets get him between the court and the jail” bus smack down! We’ll drag him behind the bus in biker leather at 20 miles per hour until the leather wears off and he dies slowly. Maybe we can start him on fire at his feet first?

I was thinking the same thing, they should test products that will make my life better on this piece of shit. Who fucking cares if he gets chemical burns or some new super cancer it would probably kill him faster then giving him the death penalty anyways.

I would like to Second the motion.

We can test chemical warfare agents on him. Not enough to kill him but enough to make it agonizing for a while, then test something else and so on

assless chaps?

Then arent we just as bad for intentionally trying to torture him?

I’ve read a lot of things that people have done on the internet, and this top the cake so far.

He did it for his own glory and self gratification, with complete disregard to someone elses pain and suffering.

We would be doing it for everyone. A selfless act, being executed due to the necessity, not for our own enjoyment. Punishment is just. His actions were not.

Coming from us, it would be a duty. Just like someone pushing the button at an execution.

io would never make it a full 19 hours beating the shit out of him, he would be dead in 2 at most if i controlled myself

or if i had supplies, id tie him to a chair and light a VERY small fire below him … slow roast him to death. and id surround him with sheets of plywood with short nails poking up every 2 inches

wanna try to get away ? no prob! Just fall over onto the nails. No biggie, they arent long enough to hit bone … enjoy …