Absolute worse way to die! vid


wtf did he do to deserve that one?


he aint gonna shit right for weeks.

probably raped some kid in the butt… at least thats what they should to to people who rape boys in the butt

Just when you think you have yourself a good case of internet desensitivity, something like this comes along.


now thats a good punishment for certain crimes… not this jail shit

rectum ? Dmn near killed um !

wait … its did kill him …

holy shit

i figured out the ending about 1/2way through, i’m with skrapper

same here, lol

sharp pole in the ass…
raising guy into the air …
imma shut this off before they intentionaly drop him down the pole …


why did i watch that…oh god! :crap:


I’d rather take the bullet to the head than that…try to fight your way out and getting shot is better than that. WTF?:shoot:

Ouch… Jskrapper has it right though…

HAHAHAHAHAH how do you get picked to be the one who inserts? Is it the boys father or something?

:jawdrop: my aSS hurts just watching that

uuuhhhh uuuuhhhhh

ow. nws.

fucking ow.