Bringing back the mullet.

It’s already on it’s way back. I might jump on.

This is just too sweet.

Bring it back…

They are awsome.
And since I shave my head, i will be able to wear my Joe Dirt wig in public again.

No it’s not. Stop hanging out on nyfbody.

its Huge in northern european countries and there is a difference between the white trash mullet and the euro mullet

did you trade the rover in for a mini van?

exactly. I want the sophisTicated mullet.

sophisticated and mullet in the same sentence, nope not happening

so you can be either trash from america or trash from non america? either way you = trash

European trends also include stretched tires and the Hoff. Just sayin…

this guy i used to work with had the sweetest mullet. it actually took me like a week to notice because it was perfect on him. i laughed everytime he walked by.

I love giving myself a mullet “down there”.

Trim everything above the unit and leave the balls & ass hairy.

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

Sorry, I didn’t see any where I said that I had a mullet. I guess I’m still trash though

he was saying in the sense of what kind of mullet you would wear would still make you trash…not that you are trash in specific

jeff from the pool store rocks a mullet. and a kid i work with out here has one as well, fits him well i guess

dude, bro… how could you forget the bidet?

How about let’s not and say we did.

i think theres some people that could pull it off. but people with huge fat heads should not attempt this.

mullets suck, end of story

I had one…the government gave me a f-body and I got mad bitches. When I shaved it I lost it all. :frowning: