I could care less about the story. What pissed me off is I actually got a cnn.com breaking news alert email about it.
In the middle of a midterm election, with the country split pretty much 50/50, the only breaking news email I get today is about two white trash assholes getting a divorce? WTF?!
I will never understand why anyone gives a flying fuck about celebrities’ private lives. My fiance and her mom and sister are always gossiping about what they saw on inside edition or E! and seriously I have to leave the room. Who the fuck cares???
Meanwhile ask them about, say, buffalo’s control board voting to become a hard control board and I get a blank stare. :bloated:
I don’t care what anyone says,she is still hot when she’s done up.Not as good as a few years back tho.
The best she ever looked,I thought, Was when she did that video for toxic.:jawdrop: