Broadway Joe's Party Interest

get drunk

it wont matter

agreed… besides, those kinds of places are usually alot more fun IMO

not snobby…just don’t want to spend a lot of time with a bunch of old, unemployed, creepy men in some super dive :wink: i’m sure if you are there it will be fun reguardless:D

Fuck yeah! if there was an old western saloon with dirt on the floor id be there every night, but it can’t play country.

Not that bad its a dark bar with a dirty floor. Any bar that is featured in Maxim isnt all that bad.

Hhaha, it’s not an old man’s bar… It’s where a lot of hardcore bands play… There are people there that make me feel older than this place does… RELAX…

It’s not where you’re at, it’s who you’re with. :slight_smile:


rubicant you should buy me a beer!

awww… I feel all warm and fuzzy :stuck_out_tongue:

Ill buy you a beer cause that sig makes me laugh everytime i see it

ill take you up on that

as long as the meet is after march 18th i will be there!

Yeah, :word: that shit is pretty funny…

I want to go on Wed. nights and get my Sauciest Bitch Alive tiara back…

I will go and bring some people…

This place was big on local bands and local rappers for a while is it still? I havent been there in a while.

I think Babysteps still does their thing on Thursdays.

OMG my cabaza, Partied there last night for al lil bit with rubicant and my head hurts. But we did hang out with the CRAZIEST BITCH EVER. Seriously Matt will testify that this chick was 100% batty. She seemed really cool at first, young not bad lookin at all, into cool music. Then she dropped the bomb, She has 8 count em 8 pets. 4 cats 2 dogs and 2 birds in her apartment. Second i heard that i was like oooooookeeeeey step back a little. Then she is telling up how she is a pharmacy/phych major, im thinking to myself she needs some major pharmacy/psych help. We took turns talking to her then i used the word broad so she moved on to the next guy. Broad FTW!!

They are big into local bands and I will attest to the crazy lady!! I always have a good time there.

love broadway joe’s… 2 good pool tables, cheap ass drinks, rj’s a badass bartender.

so having 8 pets makes you crazy, huh? how bout a random girl walking very quickly up to me at seven when im shooting pool with the beast. she blurts out did you go to hamburg? and im lik eya. she’s like is your name joe? and im like ya… i dont fucking know this girl. how the fuck does she know my name??? she starts tellin me how she’s bi-polar and has been institutionalized and dosent work because of her random mood swings. and shes got to find a place to stay cause her parents are moving to cali… im just sitting there listening to her tell me how crazy she is. then she starts saying how lonly she is and how she hasnt been laid in like 8 months… givin me the eye. eeeep. that was one crazy bitch…

what time is all this going down? I will try to make it

dont lie, u hit it