Broadway Joe's Party Interest

Would anyone be intersted in going to a Broadway Joe’s Meet sort of like we had at O? I will talk to the owner and see what kind of deal he will throw at us but I want to gauge the interest here…

Fuck the owner i hear he is a real dickhead :slight_smile: You know ill be there

Where is that again?

Broadway Joe’s is down the street from The Steer…

Sure as long as I recover from this Ebola Virus I would be down :tup:

i’m interested :slight_smile:

yeah id go even though I dont know any of you. Ill grow a badass mullet for the occasion :tup:

just show up in the SS pimp vagon, well all recognize the furor

why do you think im a nazi? im really not. I just find humor in rediculous things…

HAHAHHA… SS pimp vagon… :tup:

im def interested in that, its right down the street from my girlfriend’s place which means i can walk there!!

lol my friend, toni, has a Mercedes benz 560 SEL and calls his engine auschwitz… is that wrong? :lol: (maybe a little demented I suppose)

oh, and I might be down :tup:

Broadway joes looks like a shithole, theres gotta be better places for meets

O used to be perfect, too bad it went downhill when howie left and started
to get too crowded.

Shithole or not, I can get a deal with the owner for the same type of thing, unlimited drinks for $x for 2 hours… Who cares what the bar is like as long as there are people there to talk to and BS with…

that makes no sense. It would make more sense to call you oven auschwitz

Keep this on topic, ok…

what do you think happens inside an engine

and sorry… again, I’d probably be down :tup:

It doesnt just look like a shithole it really is a full blown shithole. But its a great bar. Great bartenders and the owner is a standup guy. I would take broadway joe’s over O any day of the week to hang out at.

If it is too crappy we might have to find another place…

You guys are being way to snobby…