if you dont know where it is, its on allen by elmwood. eviljay and i will be there, maybe younger geller, doublej… stop down if you like.
ha, christ that place is a pit… but goodtimes none the less.
Its the only bar i’ve seen that people still smoke in.
stop being a shithead and come visit rj and i at broadway joes. it will be a good time. sir binky will be stopping up then you can all go to the steer for underage girls then to lake effect for sweet milk shakes:crap:
Why do you have to post about underage girls? Now Newman is going to scoop them all up. No point in even going anymore…
either way thurs at broadway joes is chill. everyone should stop on down. no cover! and if you are lucky there will be a frat party next door to laugh at :shoot:
brickbar lets in 17yo’s :bloated:
i havent been there since i went to medaille, i wonder how different it is now…
dude i am so there.
oh snap.
dos come out i’ll buy you a carbomb
Dos you didn’t show up, and I had to do a carbomb…
I hate you jam.
i hate myself. that makes two of us.
but i love you!
Maybe…we should stop drinking.