Brothels legalized in Ontario

Your courts are so much better than ours on personal freedoms issue like drug possession, prostitution, and gambling. :bigtup: to Ontario. Too bad it’s not being implemented for a year, hopefully they don’t screw with the laws in the meantime to put up more obstacles.

I imagine the after-parties for all those company golf outings up in Canada are going to make a shift from Sundowners to going for the gold.

The landmark decision means sex workers will be able to hire drivers, bodyguards and support staff and work indoors in organized brothels or “bawdy houses,” while “exploitation” by pimps remains illegal.


lol… seriously though. IMO this was long needed and I’m glad they legalized it. wonder how many people will flock to this industry.

Great, loose bitchs FTFL

The world’s oldest profession.

With the federal age of consent being only 16 in Canada I hope there’s some sort of provision for age.

bunch of whores up there.

I think its great. Well done for them means they don’t have to be afraid of getting in shit for admitting they are a prostitute. This means if they are in a abusive situation they have a way out with police.

"However, openly soliciting customers on the street remains prohibited…”

Yeah… because it is impossible to control as far as income tax. Kind of like weed.

i havent been following it and wont make use of the services but i’m totally okay with it

2013 NYSpeed spring meet?

legal age in canada is 16, a pedo’s wet dream come true

So we can end up on H date like some people around here?

You can only catch it once.

Bringing it out in the open goes a long way toward getting rid of VD. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. No one gets STD’s from the bunny ranch.

Studderin can finally get laid :tup:

The gift that keeps on giving…

hopefully get into the business of pimpin early and fund my 2013 projects!

Someone get on this! Then advertise on SON! :slight_smile:

<---- Will never pay for sexual acts.

“I don’t pay to have sex with them. I pay them to leave when I’m done.” Get enough good looking women in your life and you’ll understand that one.