Buffalo Detailing

Hey guys. Who is a good reasonably priced detailer in the buffalo region.

I am looking to have the car buffed and polish to get rid of all the swirls and crap that it has gathered, then waxed. Interior fully detailed from top to bottom and the engine bay cleaned as well. Id like to have the interior treated and leather sections treated if possible.



I recommend muscle50 he buffed and waxed my car twice and it came out amazing. he was also reasonably priced in my opinon.

im going to need an actual business though cause i would like to use a credit card


yeah i could do that aswell. ok so muscle50. im really looking for someone to do everything so i dont need to go to different places

id do it but i dont have anywhere to do it at, and am still in the process of learning to buff with a high speed so muscle50 is your best bet

image auto detailing in west seneca is one ive found. anyone have experience

stealtth does a damn good job. he’s done 2 of my BMWs and i might be hitting him up again this spring

stealtth :tup: good work

Stealtth does great work, Mr Tint on Transit and Como Park does detailing too

any infor on image auto detailing

I could do it though my work at west herr so you would be able to use a credit card.


Me and Joe do great work as well


k so i should definitely condsider stealth.

anyone have experience with these guys www.imageautodetailing.com

Hey I am not on here very much (used to be on UBRF as blackgtp) but a friend of mine referred me to this post… I have a detail shop in West Seneca, The Showroom Detail…we have been there for over 5 years, I recently took it over last year (formerly California Detailing). I can take care of you and we are reasonably priced and accept credit card.

We are located at 151 South Avenue in West Seneca, right across from Gillogly Chevrolet just past the WS Town Highway Dept. 712-WASH is our number, call anytime.

always wondered how that shop is doing. drive by it all the time

Mike and I detailed joor ride a few years ago.

If you learned from us then you’re the person to go to. :eekdance:
