Buffalo News now charging for online access! WTF?!?!?

Well, I used to read the Buffalo News to find out what’s going on back there since we’ve left; well, they’re now charging a daily/weekly access fee to it!

Sorry, I’m done with them. It’s not like they’re a world-class newspaper (IE: WSJ).

The funniest part is they completely redid the site, making it 10x worse than it was, then started telling people they were going to have to pay for it. Great business plan.

Cotton McKnight: I’m being told that Average Joe’s does not have enough players and will be forfeiting the championship match.
Pepper Brooks: It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for 'em.

Yea, this is one retarded business move.

Agreed, their previous site layout was one of the best I’ve seen. It was nice and clean and looked great…now…notsomuch.

rochesters paper did this recently too, If you clear your cookies you get 10 more articles (for now at least)

agreed though new layout sucks and its always been peppered with ads anyways. I bet they lose money on this.

so many grammar and spelling mistakes in the articles I cant believe they want to charge people to read it…

for the rochester one. just open your cookies folder, and search for “democrat” delete those that show. then you get another 30 day “trial” to keep reading the crappy articles.

You should do the same thing tomorrow when voting :wink:

Free news just isn’t sustainable. Most of the locals around the country are going to start going to this sort of model. There just isn’t enough revenue in online advertising to support a full news staff for most local papers. With dwindling daily and Sunday only subscriptions, this is one of the final remaining solutions that small news outlets have to remain solvent.


Problem solved. Plus you don’t have to listen to that douche Donn Esmonde or that racist Rodd Watson.

dude is THE WORST. he could tie a banana shortage to white people holding down the black man.

does he write the comics, cause that’s funny as shit.

I don’t want to sound like Rodd Watson, but that statement actually does seem kinda racist. :lol:

nah, i dont not like him because hes black, i dont like him because hes a whiny jackass who cant look past anyone’s color of their skin.


I hate Rod Watson. Never seen such a sense of phony victimhood and entitlement. Also, just use an old relative’s name and phone number that subscribes to the news and doesn’t have a computer and you can register for free.

By the way, if you click on an article and then hit escape as soon as the article loads but before their script runs to check if you’re logged in (which is several seconds after the page loads) you can view as many articles as you want for free. At least in Chrome, haven’t tried it in other browsers.