Anybody hear about this recently?

I find it quite interesting and they do have a point to an extent.

If nothing else the top banner Texan representation is quite amusing.


yeah, sounds pretty lame to me.

TU isn’t that good in my opinion, they wrote a story on 2 of my friends, the majority of the shit was made up. Was talkin to my doctor and they wrote an article on him too, he actually had them cancel the article before they ran it because there was so much untrue shit in it.

TU sucks now. They got rid of their source line phone thing which I used to call during my nightly cereal meal before bed to catch up NFL, NBA, and NHL news.

it’ll end up canceling itself anyways. Print news papers are having hard times remaining profitable in a day and age where any news story is a click away on the computer.

ok just read the whole site they are a bunch of bitches… talking about the CEO and shit… stfu he makes that money for a reason… if your jealous go setup your own company and see how far your dumbass gets

they have a point, but it gets fucked up when they talk like a bunch of bitches… if they left out 7/8ths of what they said then they woulda left a better impression on me

if this was my company and had my employees damaging my business like this, i would be pissed and fire all them asap… little bitches !

I’m sure they are fired, which is why they are having an issue to begin with.

As far as profitability, local newspapers are actually still making a profit, national sales however are suffering in all sorts of print.

But even the TU posts all of its news online, problem is not everybody wants to read news on a monitor, and you can’t take your computer to the bathroom. (This is where a few people chime in and completely ruin the resale value of their laptop).

You cant save a dying medium just because you complain about it.

yep i have to say im on shift quite a lot while im taking shits in india… just to let u know some of my best pm’s come from being on the hopper !

When in rome.

99.8 percent of my Shift browsing is while shitting.


I was amused to see a huge page AD of “” in a recent issue of Metroland.

You think they got a discount for that ad? :rofl

why bother u ge the tu for free on the netz!!!

That’s the problem all the newspapers and even magazines are having.

They are reconsidering that alternative, in a way where they will be able to still collect some sort of revenue from online readers too.

well for a while there the tu online, u actually had to subscribe to and pay for. i think that lasted a month then they went back to the regular format.

while there are some extremist points made just for shock value… I do believe they pose some valid questions and bring valid points

yea perhaps but the extremist shit really turns me off to listening to anything they have to say

They’re just taking steps to make the company more efficient and cost-effective (from what I gathered from reading about 5 sentences on that site). Not a bad idea in today’s failing economy.

Fuck it I get the Gazette anyway.

ceo bonus’s and multi million dollar salaries make a company more efficient and cost effective?