Buffalo people...most annoying commecial winner:

I couldn’t find the exact one…this is an older one…

Cricket on baily baby! that girl should just die.

I’m sure any one from WNY has seen this commercial.

Everytime I see it I want to kill everyone in that commercial

Yeah, it’s pretty bad.

Yeah, thats on my list of most annoying. It’s still topped by Hughesco, anything with Billy Fucillo screaming, the nasal spray commercial with the bee, and that fucking gecko. It’s voice cuts through me like a knife for some reason. Oh well, thats why the mute button exists.

he like videotaped his employee and labeled it sexy girl

Ugh, i cant stand this commercial. the sad part is he probably takes it serious, every time i see it i want to punch babies!

Never seen it.

haha i was just screaming “CRICKET ON BAILEY BABYYYYYYY” at mindless’s house a few hours ago

theyre PR department is a bunch of fonzes in leather jackets.

that girl is bad, but the worst is the very white old guy. downtown batavia baby.
that guy just sucks

or the airport plaza jewlers " I buy it" if you have so much money get your snaggletooth fixed

come on down get your smokin deaaaalllllllllllsss!!

They have those commercials here. Similar level of annoying but the hoes aren’t as ghetto.

I tried to find a video on youtube but all I got was Syracuse University [Indian] students playing cricket. Probably engineers :bloated:

:rofl: i “know” one of those girls. :snky:

just another reason why you should finish school.

and wtf does a cricket have to do with wireless phones?

tell em about the discount harry! omg so fuckin annoying

what a big bag of douche

haha i know 2 of those cricket ugly bitches

THe one i hate is the “AND WE’LL SEE YOU RIGHT HERE” guy.