…just for the constant hilarious facial expression of the one in the middle…
…just for the constant hilarious facial expression of the one in the middle…
you need a hobby
lol pwnt
you need a hobby
you’re right…
a hobby like…finding pictures to illustrate my failure?
Yeah…because u suck at most other things.
Including taking me to dinner like u promised.
and finally
ROTFLMFAO! (rolling on the floor laughing my funking ass off!)
Wow! i never got this may fail’s.this is quite a flunking!
refer to link for a true failure:
I don’t see the thread failure. I did see one fail reply and a bunch of bandwagoning action, though.
Anyway, that commercial was on tv the other day, and I though it was pretty funny.
it is the worst commercial, next to the labatt blue talking fish after the first five hundred times u see it!
I hate advertising, but I have to say that that labatt blue commercial is a classic.
now THIS commercial sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxQU6zfLFWU
yea but it is a:deadhorse2::deadhorse: or whatever way u want to put it!
Definitely overplayed, but how the labatt commercial is worse than that blue cross blue shield one is beyond me.
edit- or was it community blue?
oh, the aqua on i think it is better because the girl is kinda good looking.
she has a mans body with no boobs? either you like girly looking dudes, or chicks with man-bodies.
u are not watching the same commeral or i was just so board with the commersal that i was zoneing out during them.