I could watch this over and over...

I found it pretty funny.


refer to link for a true failure:



Sigh…you are making me do this…

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:13,topic:36979"”]

I don’t see the thread failure. I did see one fail reply and a bunch of bandwagoning action, though…


Dont hate!


Edit: Dont hate, Just fail!



Not Funny Andy


u are not watching the same commeral or i was just so board with the commersal that i was zoneing out during them.


Oh I know the commercial. It had that man-bodied chick running next a fucking building. God, not I’m pissed that I have that song in my head now.

And Kyle, you no funny. You no funny at all.

Fuck all you

This commercial > *

“hey coach”


This thread sucks all over.


This thread sucks all over except #26 which pwns all




