buffalo the board game

ive never heard of this white ninja before…

:lol: :lol:

White Ninja FTW!

And it IS mad funny about the moving back to buffalo thing, because I can’t even count how many people I know who moved to North Carolina specifically, who moved back. It’s a ridiculous trend.

wow, so many “move back.”

omgosh Ive seen her before, back in my skater days, skating downtown. I thought she was a leper. She yelled at me because I was staring.


lol where do you work… she ALWAYS COMES INTO MINE!

she is black and HATES WHITE PEOPLE! with a passion…which is ironic since all she wears is white, and her clothes never ever get dirty :snky:



i work at the mcguire group on the corner of allen and delaware.

this was in the beast like … 8 months ago