Buffalo urban ninja

that thing with the can at the end is unreal


skills but no straight man can do that.

Some of his other stuff:

Looks like he got $25,000 for that video

that spin at the end with the can was cool

do you think he does yoga

holy core strength!

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thats badass

thats fucking sweet shit lol.

wow :tup:

one word. amazing.

haha i know that kid. was chillin with him a few weeks ago, i was gonna post up a link to get people to vote for him to win that 25k contest. forgot to though… guess i didnt need to do it anyways lol

some skills:tup:… but too much theatrical shit and meh music.

David Belle is way better then this guy look up some of his videos

lol the song was made using garage band, look up 540guy 's videos hes way sexier :smiley: no homo , when i went to disney in may, there were these japanese kids that did the sickest shit ever, it was probably some sort of illegal labor, but the one kid was jacked out of his mind and he was 11. ill try to find the videos on youtube

I read the article in the paper about this guy. Freakin’ nuts!

well anyways, i couldnt find it, but the kid would balance on a soup can rolling on its side on a stick while flipping bowls landing onto his head, one after another, landed perfect everytime. then he did a flip, while on the stick still. then threw the bowls up with his hand and caught them with his foot.(bowls would be stacked on his foot while he threw them, while balancing on one hand on the stick). 5 bowls. it was probably the most amazing display of skill i have ever seen.

Congrats to that kid and :tup: for Buffalo love. Crazy skills

you two should have a battle royale :sword:
