Bulgaria gives up 139 shots on goal in 82-0 women's hockey loss

Bulgaria gives up 139 shots on goal in 82-0 women’s hockey loss

ESPN.com news services

Updated: September 9, 2008, 1:35 PM ET

There’s the “agony of defeat.” And then there’s this women’s ice hockey score from the European Olympic pre-qualifying tournament: Slovakia 82, Bulgaria 0.

That’s correct: 82 goals for Slovakia, none for Bulgaria.

The International Ice Hockey Federation said the result, from a game played Saturday at the tournament in Liepaja, Latvia, set a record score for a women’s IIHF-sanctioned event. It was not the all-time record for futility, however; that is still held by Thailand, which lost 92-0 to South Korea in the 1998 Asia-Oceania U18 Championship.

Slovakia, which won all four of its games at the tournament, outshot Bulgaria 139-0, scoring on 58.9 percent of its shots on goal. Slovakia averaged one goal every 44 seconds.

Bulgaria trailed 7-0 after 5 minutes, 19-0 after 10 and 31-0 at the end of the first period.

The drubbing capped a woeful showing for the Bulgarian women, who also lost 30-1 to Croatia and 41-0 to Italy in earlier games.

was byndeturd in net?

Gayer then soccer



wow, epic fail. What exactly do you say to those women in the locker room after the game…“Shucks ladies, that sucks…wanna fuck?”

Thats truly sad, how can they even qualify as a professional team. I wonder what 10 of us pittspeeders in tennis shoes and hockey sticks could do against them. Maybe we should set the Ice castle hockey team to show them whats up.

I hope they disbanded the team.


And that is why there should be a mercy rule. That’s humiliating.

any of them hot?

I could just see the joke comming before I opened the thread

in other news, Chad makes stupid thread. Shaggy applauds.

fuck that

If you suck that bad, you should be reminded of it as much as possible.

I seriously wonder what a team comprised purely of Pittspeed members could beat them by? I’d really be interested to see that.


It may come down to a shootout.

Looks like Dan is allready on a team.

Just bring a shooter tutor. I’ve heard they stop the pucks better.

or a cone
