Bully gets rocked

Ryan where did you get all the injury info?

I guessed.



BAHHHHHHH kid got rocked for sure! LOL A+ great effort by fat ginger kid. + realliferepz

Yo so what can we do to help the fat kid? That skinny fuck got what was coming to him, theres no fucking way the fat kid should be in trouble.



good. Little punk.

That little tool sounded like he broke his leg or some shit. He deff. has a leg problem now LOL

BAWAAHAHAHA! I totally did not expect that toothpick to get fucking body slammed like that! Saw fatty picking him up and was like "YES, DO IT!! OH DAMN!!! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

the little pricks legs slammed right down on the timber of the landscape bed LOL

also if you notice right at the end, the pricks buddy starts walking towards the kid and the video ends right as he begins to take his back pack off…

I wonder if anything else happened?

and those kids are wayyyy to young to even want to fight. Shit. When I was that age I was catching snakes on the play ground with my finger in my nose.

If the kid only yelled “Hulk Smash” right before pile driving that twig, I would have certainly pissed my pants from laughing so hard here :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

10th+ time watching that clip and I’m still laughing like a tweeny

oh man somebody with CG skills has to get their hands on this and edit in the hulk or iron man for the fatty. that would make my week go so much faster :lol



Thats gonna be pjb one day… except more in the form of a shoot out

Ive met pjb a couple times and picture him as more of a bat type of guy something real hands on and messy…

And yo clarify pjb I meant that as a compliment

fucking fat kid rules!!! hahahahahahahaha



:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl YES
